New Iron Man 2 Black Widow poster

The drool factor just went up if that's possible... yeah, I'll be getting a copy of this poster.

Yeah, saw that last night... I nudged my husband, who was playing Bad Company, to show it to him and after doing a doubletake and taking a lingering look, he turned back to his screen and said 'Okay, that was worth dying over'. :lol
I have never been a big fan of the actress, but the costume is sweet and she looks the part so maybe this will be the movie that I finally start liking her in.:thumbsup
I'm a fan of Scarlett... just not sure why they made her hair nappy like in this pic (and in all IM2 images).
I'm a fan of Scarlett... just not sure why they made her hair nappy like in this pic (and in all IM2 images).

It's the "I just got done fighting a lot of huge men in armor and I'm too tired to resist your charms" look. :lol
It's amazing that there are people here who can do the same poster art for this film with the same resources inside of about 1/2 an hour - maybe some even less. For the most part posters nowadays are complete photoshopped crap a 3rd grader could put together with some simple art direction. The images themselves may be cool but when they're just thrown together in a weak montage it just looks terrible.
Yeah, I gotta agree with you there, Agent5... I'm kinda tired of the floating heads posters and bad collages.

If there ever are nicer designs, they seem to only appear as teaser posters, if then.

Personally, I'd rather see a simple nice photograph like the Black Widow poster than yet another floating heads collage.
Simple maybe, but I prefer them actually to the ones with too much happening and too much text. I don't need then all artsy because many times that means messy to me. Don't explain the movie in the poster, just wet my appetite. A single image, or some key person shots is all I want. If they are making the posters to appeal to me, they are working.:thumbsup
I don't think I'd mind collage type posters quite so much if they tended to be a little more... I dunno... visually and artistically unified.

I'm not saying I want every poster to be painted by Struzan (sp?) but I think his paintings achieve the same collage effect (and get the vibe of the movie across) but are far more dynamic and pleasant to look at.

I think you could accomplish a similar effect without it having to be painted... but definitely still be more than just floating heads, y'know? That's just my two cents mind you. I don't hate all floating heads posters but they definitely don't excite me.

One of these days I'm going to hang my Rocketeer video release poster next to the Iron Man 1 domestic poster. It's virtually the same poster with different characters which I find really funny considering they are two of my favorite movies.
Oh come on now! How can you not like a classic Indiana Jones or Star Wars collage movie poster! I loved those posters so much because it essentially ART! A photograph movie poster of a single character is just that....a photograph!!!!
Here you go you "horny toads!":love

Hi Res of Black Widow! Plus movie poster!

By the way I hate the explosion in her posters I tell you....I HATE YOU EXPLOSION GRAPHICS!!!!!
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