Sorry for the lateness of this post, but I just haven't been able to find the time to put this together, so here we go. A review/comparison of the Deluxe Invisibility Cloak and the Deathly Hallows Collection:
First up is the Deluxe Invisibility Cloak:
Box is very nice:
After taking off the slip and opening the box, we can see the contents:
-1 cloak wrapped in tissue paper
-1 note
-1 camera stand
-1 instruction booklet
Here's a couple of shots of the pattern:
It wears nice, I'm 6'6" and it fits fairly well:
All in all, a very nice cloak, velvety touch, deep colors and some good weight.
Now, on to the Deathly Hallows Collection:
First up is the elder wand: This lights up, and I show a comparison to the universal interactive voldemort wand.
It's very heavy, and feels a tad cheap compared to the universal wand.
Next up is the horcrux ring:
Noble Collection ring shown in case
Though they are nearly identical, there are small difference that make me deem the noble ring of better quality.
-The gold color on the hallows ring is lighter and less golden, but that could be age and exposure to the elements.
-The noble ring had cleaner lines on the detail pattern, and the lettering on the trademark
-The noble stone looks more like a real stone, and the hallows ring is glossy, also the pattern of the hallows in the ring is more defined in the noble ring versus the hallows ring.
Finally, on to the cloak:
Fits roughly the same as the Deluxe Edition, however I did notice that this one is lighter both by weight and color, and the surface doesn't feel velvety like the Deluxe.
Finally, a few side-by-side comparison shots:
As it may become apparent, the Deluxe appears to have a deeper, richer color. Also, I guess the patterns are not consistently in the same locations, or the "Movie Accurate" pattern of the Deluxe is not exactly matched by the Hallows cloak, but it is quite close.
Final Thoughts:
Both products are very nice. The Hallows collection seems to offer the most value if you don't already have the Ring or wand. The Deluxe just feels so much nicer and looks better and boasts the "Movie Accurate" detailing on the package and feels like a higher quality product.
The Hallows Ring, Wand and even the Cloak seem to be slightly lower in quality to their Deluxe and Noble Collection counterparts.
I didn't try the app yet, but that's not the main reason I got this. I initially got the Deluxe version, but then spotted the Hallows collection on a clearance sale for about 60% off, so I nabbed that one as well, otherwise I was going to skip it.
I hope this is helpful to anyone trying to decide which one they want.