New Doctor Who Series Discussion *Spoilers*

One of the main reasons for the interior changing before was a studio move, and they didn't want the expense of moving/rebuilding exactly the same. Easier to start fresh.
Found this image a little while ago:


Whether or not it is just plot related though, we will have to wait and see.
I hope it sticks around, my favourite interior so far!

Mine too! It's beautiful, and vVery well designed. I hope they keep it for at least a couple more seasons.
I did read somewhere that they're basically keeping the interior the same, but had to make minor changes due to a new exterior, so probably just new doors.
If the latest spoilers are right, the first episode of the new series takes place right before,"A Good Man Goes To War". Mostly because when Madam Vastra walks into the house she makes a comment about how Jack the Ripper was just defeated. According to the leaks, Jack The Ripper is supposed to be in the first episode of the new series.
I agree... I really want to see moffat off the show, for the show's own sake.
as you said he had some great ideas throughout the run, but in my opinion season 5-6 and this special were the low point of the new series.
a lot of people blamed smith for being a childish doctor and stuff but in actuality the writing was very childish and most of the time made no sense.
I really hope we get a more mature run with capaldi, but I highly doubt it cause moffat is still in the lead.

If memory serves me on this, but the second doctor was very childish at times. And if memory also serves, Smith's doctor was somewhat modeled after the second doctor with a mix of 4th. Looks like from what I have seen in the Capaldi revel special, and some of the other little tid bits here and there, he looks like will be more 1st and 3rd mixed. So, yea, should be a bit more "mature". Since this should be the last doctor, unless Moffitt finds a way to break the Rassilon rule of 12 regens. Remember 5th was too serious and they ended up with 6th going all "colorful". I grew up watching 3rd on through. I do agree Smith did take the childishness a bit to far at times.
Didn't Moffitt already solve the Rassilon Rule of 12 in the last special? The 11th admitted he was actually the 12th and would die and Clara managed to convince the Time Lords (through the crack in time) to give him a whole new regen cycle...which I interpreted as a full set of regens...pretty much re-booting the series.
Isn't he the new No. 2?
If Matt Smith's DOctor was given a new cycle, would that not make Matt the new Number 1, using his first regeneration into Number 2?
Hmmm, suppose so,...Moffat has made this all confusing

So Capaldi should be the new no: 1.....regeneration

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Must be Davros as it sound just like him from the 10th's episodes. I actually liked him in that two-parter. Great looking makeup and crazy to boot.
Supposedly, the new Who intro will be a lot like this. The music will be more 80's, there is no seal of Rasillon and no Capaldi on the watch (which I really dug). I think it could use a little more starfield and wormhole, but it is something new and exciting.
I personally like the music they used for Matt Smith's run (as well as the previous versions in the new series), but I'm not opposed to hearing a new version with the new Doctor. While that intro you posted looks cool, I think a less abstract/symbolic version is more in keeping with what we've seen so far and would feel more "right" to me. One thing I'm not too crazy about is the creeping in of the Doctor's face in the opening credits. I was okay with the execution of the idea in the last couple years, with Matt Smith's face in the stars, but still cringed a bit that they started going back down that road. I get a little tired of anything people don't like being described using the word "cheesy," because it is so ill-defined. However, the usage of the Doctor's face in the credits had definitely gotten cheesy in the original series, and kept getting more so the further the show went. It was okay — not necessary, but okay — until Colin Baker. Then we had Baker break into a smile during the credits ("See, kiddies? I'm the good guy!"), which was going too far, or so I thought. Then Sylvester McCoy came along and winked, at the audience, in effect sending the message, "See, kiddies? It's all big joke! Don't take it seriously!" I know that didn't always reflect the actual stories (especially as McCoy's Doctor progressed), but I still didn't like it. I know the one you posted is a fan creation, but I don't need or want Capaldi to smile at us from the credits.

Best looking fan credit sequences I've seen have been made by Xander David-Hugh, AKA "NeonVisual" on Youtube … this one:, and this one (completely different from the other) are probably my favorites. They are really the only fan-made sequences I've seen that make me say, Yes; these are good enough for use on the actual show.


I watched both of the fan intros you posted - while both have some interesting pieces, I think both are lacking quite a bit compared to the one made by Billy Hanshaw (that will used). I love the logo and effect used on it in the first one (but didn't like the actor names). The second one has some great TARDIS shots in the beginning, but quickly lost me.

I do disagree about the Dotctor's image in the title sequence - I love it and I love that there's a bit of "interaction" there. Maybe it's the kid in me that remembers that from the older run...

I absolutely love the (font?) actor's names in the Hanshaw version and hope they stick with that. I wish I knew enough about the music changes to comment on them.
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