Needed: HIGH res pics of Mal's FIREFLY pistol.


Well-Known Member
I just got my resin version, need a really high def image for a paint guide. If you got em', post em please!Also, besides the serenity version (which i know was different) how many versions of the hero gun were there? Because the pics Ive found dont look the same in any one of em...
Just a note to say that the link DLo provided are pics of the serenity movie pistol, not the firefly pistol. The finish is quite different.
Great pics of the movie guns though, and some I've not seen. Jayne's 45 and the bar gun in particular. THANK YOU for posting those, and thanks to whomever shot them. I appreciate being able to finally truly appreciate that work!!!
Indeed, awesome pics. Thanks peeps!

So how many versions of the gun were there? This pic has 3 different versions. Were they fanmade buildups vs a screen used copy?

Apparently the one I have is the same as the white one shown.
Well, where did that pic come from? Looks like 3 different fan-made resin kits. The bottom one is pretty bad.

I have Wilco's (the middle one) which isn't bad for the price. The hammer's totally wrong and have to fill the recessed panel lines on the side.

I think I saw the bottom one at Wonderfest last week. Who's the guy who sells undersized, inaccurate gun kits? He has a Blade Runner gun, TOS phaser, other Trek guns, lightsabres, V guns, etc. If it's the same guy discussed here in the past, some of the stuff may even be recast. I saw it and thought, wow that's the worst Mal pistol kit I've EVER seen!

Who makes the top kit? How much?
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I bought mine in the JY here, the guy i bought it from called in a RAC. (I believe its someone initials) Said it was basically a 2nd gen with ties to a screen used.
So, as I'm interested in accurizing a resin kit of this gun, can someone verify the differences between the Firefly and Serenity versions? Those reference pics of the Serenity gun are amazing and I'm wondering how many details are the same as the Firefly? They reworked the TV prop for the film, correct?

So, obviously a different finish.

Different magazine.

Added plant-on panel on the right side. (why?? It adds nothing really)

Small plate on the left side up by the pseudo hammer.

Any other differences? My main area of concern is the hammer area. Specifically, is the area where you see the actual hammer of the revolver inside the same on both guns? Can I use the Serenity pics of this area to detail a Firefly version? The Wilco kit needs much work in this area and I was hoping to match the details to my QMX gun which looks to be pretty accurate in that area.

I prefer the Firefly version. Like the finish better. It looks more like a real-world gun rather than a film prop.
the two hero guns from the tv series were modified for the film as well as being completly rebuilt, some parts replaced even. The add on side panel peice was a modification. I believe the reason was, in the film, Mals gun jams in the bank heist escape chase and he pulls the slide to eject the jammed cartridge.
I also believe it was modified to for functionality as well as being idealized.

If your trying to go by screen caps for the tv show version and its finish, good luck. It wore more and more, very quickly as it was handled, holstered and even stored. It was never meant to be black or even very dark, just aged and worn.
If anyone knows where i may get another of the white type castings, let me know. Id like an unmodified version. (the one i got in the JY was modded before i bought it.)
The top kit (white resin) is a recast off of the original hero TV prop and was offered through another board member here a while back. Other than havign to add some hex screws to the top of the gun, it should be 100% accurate to one used in TV series.

If you search around on this forum, there are at least 3 to 4 threads that have excellent pics of the TV used piece. It can also be seen pictured in FIREFLY COMPANION book, volume #1.

It looked more brownish black at first until the pistol started to show signs of use and/or wear & tear from use or deliberately from shows prop master, and portions of the pistol started to show a bronze-ish gold color wherever the darker brown coating wore off.