Need some help making a Let Me In prop


Well-Known Member
For those of you who have seen the film you'll know what I'm talking about, but for those of you who haven't I'm sure you can help me anyway. During the movie Abby (the vampire girl) writes Owen (the boy Abby moves in next door to) a note on the back of a Now and Later candy wrapper. The note has a verse from Shakespeare on it which reads
"I shall be gone and live or stay and die." My question for you guys is how difficult would this note be to duplicate? Obviously getting the wrappers is no problem but how would I go about re-creating that verse from Shakespeare? I want to make quite a few to give away to friends.
Writing it by hand with a fine-tipped permanent marker?

Getting the message to stick to the wrapper may be tricky, if it's waxed paper.

I don't think you could inkjet print it, but you may be able to laser print on it.

Have to experiment.

Good luck.

-Mike J.
Writing it by hand with a fine-tipped permanent marker?

Getting the message to stick to the wrapper may be tricky, if it's waxed paper.

I don't think you could inkjet print it, but you may be able to laser print on it.

Have to experiment.

Good luck.

-Mike J.

Yeah it's going to be tricky since it is waxy. I can try writing it by hand but since Chloe Moretz wrote it i'm not sure my chicken scratch is going to look anything like her hand writing.