Getting into the prop making industry

So I will have to guess that the answer is yes to the first question and yes to the second.
Pretty much. Los Angeles is D E A D.

To answer your question (OP).
How to be a machinest, or a 3D artist, a painter, a model builder, a set fabricator, an electrician,
and Build examples of your work for each.

Could you speicalize in one? sure. But you need to be comfortable in each of you want to be competitive.
The UK has a thriving film making industry which always needs skilled crafts people. Thanks to the UK government's tax incentives lots of studios film here. Some people on Instagram have posted work from Marvel productions they've worked on in the UK.

Here's an example of one such artist.

David Hewitt
Good luck to you ! Nice to see a young option is to contact a small local theatre and offer to build sets , props ect. Or work under a prop man's wing! Do anything,make anything! Carnival floats at festivals are a good one! Get some skills at night school , metal and woodworking! Make small movies with friends and explore the scene,enter film festivals,make stuff for cosplayers,find your specialist area and still be an all-rounder! If you want artwork for free for business cards ect. I will wave my fee to get you started! Good Luck...