Need pics of Starship troopers model

Hey Cesar,
Tried to pm you these pics you requested but me being computer illiterate it's easier for me to just post them here. My friend has more so I'll see if I can get some of his later, I'm sure his will be more detailed than mine. Hope these help.

Oh yes, they are very helpful!!!. I hope your friend can share with other images. I need especially the bottom, and front of the tower ... and well, and other areas.
Thank you very much.

And another great link:
Models&Miniatures - a set on Flickr

But they need better references to build "the perfect Rodger Young" ...
Wow... great to see all these awesome refs, and to have someone who actually worked on the film here! Starship Troopers IS my number-one favorite film, so I'll be watching this project with interest.

To the OP, you may also try to find and order a book called The Making of Starship Troopers... it might have a bit of production artwork/photos inside.
These are terriffic -especially like the picture of all (?) of the models together with the builders. Great and never-before-seen!
Yes!! I love the rpf.

So much great new behind the scene pictures. These will come in handy for a the details. I must say I stopped working on the Dropship because nother member has a casting of the original and was planning the make some castings. So I wait till then.
I do work on a large Rodger young now. Got bits and pieces.

But please when you got something that you can share please post it here so everybody can enjoin it. I sure do !!

Greetings from the Netherlands,


ps Yes I already got the making of book! Some nice pics in it but not as great as THE RPF!!!
Hey trooper prop. I am currently amidst building a scratch made model. Maybe we can share information and references as well as techniques. Pm me if interested
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