Starship Troopers Movie. Mobile Infantryman Badge


New Member
Good day, dear forum members!

First, I want to say a huge thank you to you, for your work, to everyone! I have learned a lot from you! I will not be able to list all those members of this forum whom I want to thank, but in the following posts - I will definitely do it.
(Especially to those who make notes about the props of the film "Constantine" and "The X-Files").

Without you - I would not have been able to learn to be so pedantic - to recreate memorable props for me - based on motives, without studying the little things and nuances, when making memorable props for myself.

This is your merit!

I love you all (as well as the other participants)!

I have been reading your forum for a long time, and gaining knowledge, scrupulously delving into the meager grains of information.

I present to you my latest work.

From the title, I think you understood that I really like the movie "Starship Troopers".

Let's leave the conversations regarding the canon and non-canon of the movie-book, (but if someone wants - I will be glad to talk about it).

I present to you my work (for now only in 3D model), my work on one of the props:

What did I rely on?

Here is the photo:


Next, a little magic in Corel Draw, let's add a little magic in Photoshop, and since my paws are like a kitten's - I made the 3D model in ArtCam 2008.

What I got today:



With respect, I share the result of my work with you.
I will be glad to the most severe criticism (I know, there are many respected members of the forum), who - for me - are an icon, masters and not only - in the production of props.

So I will listen with great pleasure to even the most devastating criticism of my work.
Hey there, good work!
a quick note since you are looking for input, I have only seen your reference image, but it looks like your reproduction might be a bit more 2 dimentional, from what I can see on that unique ref, it looks like there is more volume to the top of the part and maybe even some angle on the center lightning shape.
that's about it :)
Hey there, good work!
a quick note since you are looking for input, I have only seen your reference image, but it looks like your reproduction might be a bit more 2 dimentional, from what I can see on that unique ref, it looks like there is more volume to the top of the part and maybe even some angle on the center lightning shape.
that's about it :)
And then, I am a novice creator of props for myself, I ask you to judge me strictly, with all severity.
I'd agree, the MI lettering part is thicker than the rest and should be the highest point on the model. Also the edges of the M and I are sloped. This slope also helps when it comes to removing the badge from the mould when making many out of metal. Cast items should always have a little relief so most sides on items designed to be cast are not truly square. How much relief is needed depends on the geometry of the object and the properties of the mould, like just how flexible it is etc. If you examine all the edges on the metal one pictured you will see this is the case with pretty much every edge.

Some of what we see on the lighting bolt section though on the pic of the metal cast MI badge is shrinkage. Those are generally cast in an open mould and as the metal cools it shrinks a bit. That can lead to concave and uneven flat surfaces sometimes. I think that's the reason the M and I are sort of dished in the middle of the sections too.

Another area is that the metal badge has material between the wings and swords cross guard at a lower level. Again this will have been added to make production casting work better. They will help material flow into those recesses easier during a pour.

I remember hand carving one out of styrene sheet many many years ago after the movie came out and making a mould so we could resin cast 5 at a time for a an event we did at the time so the MI badge is familiar to me :) Nowadays I'd do the same as you and just model it up in 3d and print them out.
Hey there, good work!
a quick note since you are looking for input, I have only seen your reference image, but it looks like your reproduction might be a bit more 2 dimentional, from what I can see on that unique ref, it looks like there is more volume to the top of the part and maybe even some angle on the center lightning shape.
that's about it :)
I think I understand what you are talking about, and also - dear neophil!

Is this what you are talking about?

Yes. If you can find photos of that object seen more sideways, you'll get a better understanding of how things are made, that would help you quite a bit :)
You're off to a good start. There are further images on YourProps that might help clarify the detail:

Edit: Found another one...

You're off to a good start. There are further images on YourProps that might help clarify the detail:

Edit: Found another one...


And these photos - I didn't find them with the search! Thank you very much!!!

The photo I used - if my memory serves me right - is also from
You're off to a good start. There are further images on YourProps that might help clarify the detail:

Edit: Found another one...

Now, thanks to you - I will redraw the model. This is great!

I will tell you honestly, dear users above, talked about the letters MI, and I read their answers and think:

- Where do you see these letters? I see - only heraldic patterns, for example.

But your three links - opened my eyes!!! Now I also see the letter M and the letter I!

It's good that I made the model in layers, and I can fix it, but still, now that you pointed out all the shortcomings to me - I will rather start drawing this icon - again.

Thanks again for your work!
As one of 'other participants', allow me to just admire your effort and enthusiasm!

PS Took me a bit to see the letters, as well... ;)
Thanks to advice and help with additional photos, I re-drew the badge.
I'd be happy to hear criticism.

Thanks in advance to everyone who points out shortcomings or for advice.


Hey there, good work!
a quick note since you are looking for input, I have only seen your reference image, but it looks like your reproduction might be a bit more 2 dimentional, from what I can see on that unique ref, it looks like there is more volume to the top of the part and maybe even some angle on the center lightning shape.
that's about it :)
I see what you mean; yes, it appears more 2D than 3D to me, but I'm relatively new at this hobby so I'm no expert by any means. ;)
Thanks to advice and help with additional photos, I re-drew the badge.
I'd be happy to hear criticism.

Thanks in advance to everyone who points out shortcomings or for advice.

I'd say you're pretty close. You could keep tweaking, but how accurate do you want to be? Depends if you are trying to 100% replicate the original or you just want something close enough to cosplay with.
I'd say you're pretty close. You could keep tweaking, but how accurate do you want to be? Depends if you are trying to 100% replicate the original or you just want something close enough to cosplay with.
I would like to reproduce this prop as accurately as possible. The eye no longer sees any particular differences, and I am not yet strong in the details, to see the discrepancy.

By the way, another problem has appeared. How can I find out the dimensions of the original? Approximately?
OK, here are the differences that I see:

Regarding overall size, you could maybe message the owner of an original badge? Or maybe find a sales site selling an original with a record of dimensions? Failing that you may need to compare the size of an on screen badge with something else you see on screen of a known dimension.
If all the items on the first photo are laying on the same support and are not a random composition, I have a screen-used cap with the badge under the one you are making and it is 9,3cm long. I hope that helps.
If all the items on the first photo are laying on the same support and are not a random composition, I have a screen-used cap with the badge under the one you are making and it is 9,3cm long. I hope that helps.
Thanks for the example!

At the moment I have drawn it to a size of 80 mm long, 43 mm high approximately.

But after exporting to STL - it will be possible to edit the size in the slicer.
OK, here are the differences that I see:
View attachment 1898481

Regarding overall size, you could maybe message the owner of an original badge? Or maybe find a sales site selling an original with a record of dimensions? Failing that you may need to compare the size of an on screen badge with something else you see on screen of a known dimension.
I'll have to figure it out with the translation, but!

Thank you so much for taking the time and effort to point out the discrepancies!

I'll make a third version.