need help with a DC/DC 12v to 9v converter


Sr Member
I am looking around for some basic D/C to D/C converter's or "D/C regulated power supplies to run a 9v 2 LED flasher off of a 12v battery.

This is for my R2d2.

Anyone know of a converter or even a kit out there somewhere?
Sorry for being a newb to electronics, but what's that mean? I googled it and it looks like thay take an incoming voltage oof 9 and increasea it? Or am I just not looking at the right thing? I need to decrease my voltage from 12 to 9.

I was wondering as well, could I not just use resistors to lower the voltage from 12 to 9?
The 7809 produces 9v from a higher voltage source.

Yep, you feed it anywhere from about 11 volts to 35 volts and it outputs a regulated 9 volts...

I was wondering as well, could I not just use resistors to lower the voltage from 12 to 9?

Resistors don't lower voltage they restrict current...

You could use multiple diodes to lower the voltage, but it's just silly when a single 7809 will do it better and easier...