Need A Little Help / Tip


New Member
Hey folks,

Been on this forum now about 3 weeks and have posted a few of my projects here. Im not really sure if this is the right area for this post but here it goes.

I have a polycarbonate sphere which i have sanded down.

I have found some plasti kote CHROME EFFECT spray paint.

I want to create the effect that is on the cap to mirror finish on the ball.

What will i need to complete this effect.
Would it be to just spray the sphere with grey primer or a black gloss paint

Then i spray the chrome on?

Im not sure and thought maybe you guys could help me find the best way to achive the best looking chrome effect for a polycarbonate sphere

Thanks for reading this post and possibly helping me :)
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Sorry to tell you, but you will not get a mirror finish with 'chrome' spraypaint. The caps really are misleading. Have you done a test spray on anything else? Get a piece of scrap plastic, or even a pop can, and test to see how it looks. Chances are it will just look silver.

I'm not 100% sure how professional chroming works, but I believe it's some kind of powder coat. Not sure though, someone else may be able to help you out there.