Need a little help regarding constuction


New Member
my friend's been bugging me for months to make one of these. i suggested ebay, but theres no accurate ones :( so i thought i'd try to build one. but still a bit of a newbie and haven't made something in a while. i hope one of you guys could help me out :)

its basically a wooden dowl and pvc pipe with wooden parts. im having trouble figuring out how to attach the yellow handle bars to the 2 handle "rings". any help is greatly appreciated

thanks as always :)

If the handlebars are wooden parts perhaps a few small wood screws from inside the rings would work. You'd have to make a small channel in your wooden dowel to accept the screw heads, but that's easy enough.

If they're plastic I'd suggest attaching a small block onto your ring with a strong glue, then incorporating the resulting protrusion into your handle build-up. Think of it like the way a snap cover fits over a snap. If your block is long enough you might only have to put a couple of plates along the sides to complete the outer guard.

That's my two cents, hope it helps. In the end, maybe just a really tough glue or epoxy material will do the trick.
I made a couple of KH2 keyblades for a friend a few months ago. I made the whole thing out of wood. What I did was to use a router to create holes on either side of the wooden dowel and set the handles down into the wood with epoxy. I did the same thing for the key section. I then set in a bead of high heat hot glue to make a seam along the edges, as I didn't have any caulk at the house, and it was a last minute project. Here are a couple of pictures of the finished product.




The other one that I made was the Riku final form I think.(I am not familiar with the game) Here is a picture of it.


Hope that helps.