Mythbusters Fall Season 2012?


Sr Member
Hey guys,

Anyone know whne the fall season of mythbusters, begins? There doesn't seem to be any definitive answers online, that I can find.

I have verizon fios, and every sunday, it lists every episode as "new" (it's a 10 episode marathon, every sunday), so the DVR wants to record every episode.

I'm hoping that if I can figure out when the new season actually starts, I can fix the DVR to record only that timeslot.

I haven't even seen any ads for it on tv and usually the advertise the crap out of it. maybe Adam'll see this and have news.
Thanks guys :cool

Finally saw the first commercial for it, this morning. Wonder why they're so late on the advertising, or at the very least, not as aggressive, about it?

Have they even done a full season recently? I think I only counted a handful of episodes over the Summer.

Im wondering about the future of MB myself. Im unsure what season im watching in the UK, but it is the latest (at least for us).

The myths they are doing now seems very rushed, almost filler type stuff. I still love the show compared to everything else we see on tv but i think it may be time to branch off and go down a differnt path.

For example I just watched Tori and grant drop a mac10 down the stairs to see if it goes off. Problem is I doubt anyone actually ever thought it would (including us the viewer). This seems in contrast to previous myths where the viewer (and often the presenter) had no clue what would happen!!

They also just tested nail gun vs 9mm. Fired it against a plywood board and called it a day. In the past they would have at least given us a human analogue to see real world penetration.

I would love to see them do something else now.

My love for this show has always come from watching adam and jamie build things (the jet pack was bar far the most interesting build the show has seen).
For my money, I've actually been enjoying some of the more recent episodes more than perhaps the earlier ones. Gun vs knife was really interesting, I thought.