Mysterio Cosplay 2014


Active Member
Greetings everyone,

It's been a while since i posted last. Keeping the villain theme, I chose to create my own Mysterio cosplay trying to keep it to it's original form from the comics. Mysterio made his debut during the Amazing Spider-man movie premier and at this year's Animazement in Raleigh, NC. Please let me know what you all think as well as an insights on improvements. I still need to improve the boots in hopes to bring this to Dragon Con this year. Also i created a cosplay page on Facebook. You can find me at Jellyhugo Cosplay.

For starters, I had to find one of those green man suits. Luckily, we have an all year round halloween store where we live.


Unfortunately, on the back it says in big bold letters "morph suit". I need to find a way to cover that up.


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ya I am posting them now
This was a probably the hardest part of the project. I got a yardstick and picked up two tubes of the black puffy paint from the local craft store. I started drawing straight lines with a fine tip sharpie both vertically and horizontally. Each square is roughly 2" apart which came out great. There was a few blemishes where I messed up the puffy paint but they are not in places where people can say. (Thankfully)


In case he hasn't finished, My morphsuit logo came off the back of mine after a bit of scrunching up and going through the wash. so about 3 times i would say? Don't know if this helps or not!
After thorough researching a variety of options, i located dark green wrestling shorts (like the ones from WWE) to cover up the "morph suit" logo. I thought i had the website bookmarked but, i guess not.
For the gauntlets, i cut out the shape on paper then transferred it to crafting foam. I finalized my gauntlets by using worbla material. The gauntlets are plain, still trying to figure the pattern to use for the design. A tool could be used, i am just not comfortable in using one as of yet.






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Boot covers are made out of crafting foam and worbla. I decided to just make a cover that can go over my regular boots. So much more comfortable to wear. This was my first experience using worbla too.



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Updated gauntlets - Here is a shot of the gauntlets already primed with Gesso primer

The two little squares were fairly easy. Some wood, cut out two squares, sanded down and painted


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I found this eye template on a wikipedia site. Worked out perfectly

redid pic. Yes believe it or not you can actually see. If i were to put 4-5 more layers on then no. Visibility is defiantly reduced. It's kind of like looking out of a very dirty window. Things are foggy but you can still see fairly clear.

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Great work! That looks fantastic! Thank you for the break down of your project, very helpful.

Thank you! Definitely worked hard on this one. Still need a few tweaks. It's shame that most of the conventions don't allow fog machines cause carrying around a portable one underneath my cape would of been totally awesome.
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