My V pistol -FINISHED


New Member
Hi all. I've always wanted a V pistol. Frankly, all the casts & recasts I saw looked like crap with bubbles and serious warpage. I decided I could scratchbuild my own faster than correcting a kit. Here is my idealized version of the V pistol. It is not 100% accurate because I took artistic liberties like leaving the screws off. I felt that an advanced alien race would not use mundane phillips head screws, they would have a seemless look much like their shuttlecraft and such.[image][/image]



I am still not happy with the grips, the pattern is what I am looking for but it needs to be finer. Those are tempory grips until I find something better.
That's awesome. I've always wanted a pistol, one of the rifles, and the key that Donovan gives to his son.

I remember reading a while back that V was coming back to TV, but I never heard anything else about it...
It's mostly wood.
More Pics:
That looks pretty sharp. :D

I have one of those low-quality castings you mentioned... needs more work but this was the best I could do with it


- k
And here's Malbonas blaster after having had a run in with a bucket of silicone.

Note the revised grips.



Keep an eye on the junkyard in the coming weeks for this joint venture.

And one 'completed' kit


Went together well, a bit of sanding, priming, black paint, matte clear coat, and finally a bit of silver Rub n Buff.
Wow. That's a really nice build. :)

I have one of the craptasticastings.. I understand this is how the stunt pistols actually looked.. ?

I notice that you left off the greeblies on the back of the handgrip. Intentional? It's just a rectangular piece of flat styrene (or whatever) with a small (1.25") half-cylinder mounted vertically at the bottom.

Originally posted by Jedi Lawja@Feb 19 2006, 07:26 AM
Wow.  That's a really nice build.  :)

    I have one of the craptasticastings..  I understand this is how the stunt pistols actually looked..  ?

    I notice that you left off the greeblies on the back of the handgrip.  Intentional?  It's just a rectangular piece of flat styrene (or whatever) with a small (1.25") half-cylinder mounted vertically at the bottom.


Most of the casting floating around of the V pistol are from a master made by a fellow in California who supplied them for his costumeing group. That thing has been recast too many times to count. Very few castings off the screen used piece are out there, as per my conversation with Rich Coyle when I was researching this piece. The greeblies you spoke of were left off because they made the gun uncomfortable and they seemed to serve no logical purpose. I was trying to make an idealized version so If something didn't make sense(like phillips head screws), it was left out.
That is cool.

Um.. can I ask a couple nitpicky questions? I've only seen the little toy that was out some years ago, but as I recall it had some kind of slidy-switch on the top left hand side of the forward part of the gun. Did the originals have that as well?
Originally posted by Malbona@Sep 27 2005, 09:07 PM
I decided I could scratchbuild my own  faster than correcting a kit.

man.....i know exactly what you mean

some of the stuff i get in is just shyte

i must get back to scratch building

Originally posted by Kaylee@Feb 20 2006, 12:04 AM
That is cool.

Um.. can I ask a couple nitpicky questions? I've only seen the little toy that was out some years ago, but as I recall it had some kind of slidy-switch on the top left hand side of the forward part of the gun. Did the originals have that as well?

i have the toy and a supposed cast from a screen used, the same as Jay's.

both show the slide switch.

john :cool