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When I started my Vader costume 2 years ago, I had never done anything like what I was about to do. I had no experience with making/working on props, or a costume that looked as professional as the look I was going for. Given that set of circumstances, my research and hard work allowed me to build a decent Vader costume. Good enough to make people say, "Wow", and good enough for me to be proud of at the time. Since then I've upgraded certain parts, others I've redone. Recently, there have been a lot of Vader helmet threads with some of the most beautiful pics I've seen to date, and it's made me want to go back and re-do my helmet. It's the centerpiece of the costume, and arguably the most important component. I can't really afford some of these gorgeous helmets I see here sometimes, and since I missed out on the DP CA's, the Rubies' is my blank canvas. I know it has it's shortcomings, but I really like this helmet! It's an excellent base to work with, and with some patience and work can be made to look very good. In the past 2 years, I've learned a lot from many threads here, and my own attempts at making my costume better, and I recently bought a new Rubies' to mod. I'll post my progress as I go along because I intend to make this the best looking Rubies' Vader mod in all the land! Lofty goal I know, but I really want to challenge myself here. The first of these mods has been the dome placement. It's believed that the CA's and the Rubies' domes are too short, but apparently it's all in the mounting mechanism. They're made in a way that positions the back of the dome way too high. These pics are what I've done so far. I think the dome position looks just right. I still have a long ways to go, but I feel I'm off to a good start. Constructive feedback is welcome and appreciated.
To be continued...
To be continued...
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