My Randy Cooper SD build-up... in progress


Master Member
Here are a few shots of my SD build and where she stands. Finally made progress with the buildings but still have a ways to go to get everything to fit right. This has been a tough thing to work thru. :)

First the finished nose section (I basically re-built this from kit bash parts)


Next is a shot of the bridge and top details including Fiberoptics for the bridge and neck section. As you can see I taped the tractor beam generator into an ANH-esque upright position. I'm planning on hinging it to pose up or down.


Next is more of a side shot of that area as well as more of the buildings and details...


Next is a full shot from the front at an angle showing all the parts


And one more from the other side. My plan is to make the upper hull removeable and attach with tiny wood screws. This way I can get back inside should it need replacement LEDs etc... I also plan to create a metal framework inside so I can support the entire model with a couple camera mounts. I want it to "float" when it's displayed.

saweeet ! this is real eye candy

the fitting of your buildings doesnt look bad at all. and your kit bashed extra detailing is absolutely incredible !!!
makes me want to add some extra details to mine as well, but sadly i dont have any kits or parts for this.
nice idea with the moveable tractor beam tower.

very inspiring shots man, cant wait to see more !

That's a great job you've done there, can you tell us what kits you used for the extra detailing, they look spot on.


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Thanks guys, I used two Dragon 1/700 scale Battleships, 1. Arizona and 2. Missouri There are literally thousands of parts between the two kits and the detail is so sharp it's ridiculous.

Dave :)
Outstanding job!!!!

Like the way you used the small styrene greeblies to camouflage the seam lines of the top hulls. Does your bridge neck fit flush to the hull?

It's pretty close after another afternoon of sanding and fitting and sanding and fitting. I'll probably use some filler at the bottom or even some styrene greeblies to make it nice and finished looking. Finally Finally Finally got the buildings to work together. I'll be doing alot of camouflaging where everything sits, but It will be quite invisible when I'm finished. :)

Absolutely superb work Dave!

I'm really looking forward to seeing this progress. Can't wait to see the beauty shot with the lights on!


I'm using the high dollar lights.........LOL. Picked up a cheapo FO mini lamp for 15 bucks at Wal-Mart. They must have 500 fibers per lamp. So for $15 you get roughly 500 windows. :)

Dave, that's lookin awesome bud!!! The fiber-optics and greeblies you've added are gonna make this thing a real beauty, I can't wait to see it in person.:thumbsup
Thanks Chris!!! I've been spending hours and hours fitting the upper buildings. I'm building up "greebiles" to hide the gap near the base where the buildings touch the upper hull. It's slow, but it's fun. Once that is complete, on to the fiberoptics and final upper hull detailing. Getting closer now.

I'm using the high dollar lights.........LOL. Picked up a cheapo FO mini lamp for 15 bucks at Wal-Mart. They must have 500 fibers per lamp. So for $15 you get roughly 500 windows. :)


That is looking very, very nice Dave! The extra kitbash parts really beef up the detail nicely.

I'm currently using the high-dollar light method myself on my SS Galactica. Admittedly, it's a test run to see if the cheap fibres will work in place of the quality stuff. They DO work, but I'm having problems with off-axis viewing angles- walk more than 30-40 degrees to the side and the light nearly disappears. Yes, I am lensing the fibre tips as far as possible.

Have you encountered this problem too, Dave?

Does anyone know if the quality fibre will work better? Advice welcome.:confused

Mike, Oz
No problems so far. My advise is to make sure you put your light source pretty much in line with the ends of the fibers for the best effect. None of them work if you don't have the light source directed right to the tips of the fibers.

No problems so far. My advise is to make sure you put your light source pretty much in line with the ends of the fibers for the best effect. None of them work if you don't have the light source directed right to the tips of the fibers.


splendid work dave ! Which diameter of fiber optics use you ?
it's possible to have more pics of the additional détails

no idea the diameter.......came from a cheap walmart FO lamp $15, seems to have assorted sizes.

I'll snap some pix tonight of the newly assembled upper buildings and engine nozzles.

Dave :)
Dave thats just outstanding.Love the lights and all the extra added parts.I would love to get one of these some day.
