My ProShop X-Wing


Master Member
Gone but not forgotten.
So here is my ProShop X-Wing. This was a painting experiment for when I do a SS kit in the future. I wanted to build the biggest plastic kit I could find. The ProShop is about 13-14 inches long so it fit the bill.

I have never used pastel chalk to do weathering so this was a good test to get some practice. I bought a kit of ten sticks from Walmart that included all the basic colors. I think it turned out very well. I was not trying to replicate any one ship despite the red 3 markings. Just going for techniques. Enjoy and lets here the feedback.:cool

Edit- The ship was painted flat black and then flat white over that. I added some small plastic sheet details to the hull as well. I also replaced the cannons with 3 sizes of aluminum tubing.






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2212, you didn't know I'm from the future?

HaHa, I just noticed the date as well. Yeah, I'll have to change that.
Very handsome X. :thumbsup

Just curious, did you consider repainting a Hasbro FX X-wing toy? That one clocks in at about 19.5 inches.
Very nice,I've always wanted to get a Pro Shop X-Wing.The prices on E-Bay are kinda crazy.One week one seels/auctions for $10.00,the next time one shows up,it goes for $50.00 and over.I've read reviews on this kit that there are some inacuracies and soft detail.Can you elaborate on that?Great painting/weathering by the way :thumbsup
Phase Pistol, I did consider doing the FX X-Wing. I may still do one too. I just happened to get a good price on two of the ProShop kits. I still watch the prices on the FX though.

JP, yeah the prices can swing widely. The reason I think is some people see that it has electronics and want more money for it. Others just see it as an old kit. I got both of mine for under $15 a piece.

The details are kind of soft in some areas. The dash could have more detail. It also could have used more panel lines. The rear bulkhead and R2 tray look decent. If they had used the money they spent on adding the cheesy electronics and invested that into the master it could have been a great kit. As is, it's a real nice kit. For more on the accuracy issues I'll let the X-Perts chime in, they know more than I do.

I think it builds into a very nice replica. Thanks for the compliments guys.
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How bad are the electronics/motors mechanisims for the wings and cockpit?I always wondered what kind of motor mechanisims they developed for this kit and if it could be applied to the studio scale kit,but a little more "beefed up".
It's actually 15 inches nose to tail. Not sure about the electronics. They seem to be pretty beefy. I didn't use them in my two. They seem solid though.
Are they motors,or something else?Is it something that might be able to be found in an electronics store via google/online you think?
There are two different gearboxes. One hooks to the canopy by an arm and loop system, the other is a gearbox with an exposed gear that meshes with center spine/joint/hinge area where the wings meet in the center. They are controlled indipendently of each other.

Like I said I didn't use them so I have two sets I'm not using. If there is an interest, I'll throw them up in the junkyard
I've got about five of these kits. Working on a Red 5 right now. I did mine without the electronics.

Regarding the accuracy, it actually does leave a lot to be desired. There are certain characteristics that clearly identify it as the Pro-Shop. But you could say the same thing about the Fine Molds Falcon, and thats a $200 styrene kit.

The one I'm doing is fairly modified, but I'm not sure I'd go to the trouble again. I may build a Red 1 "out of the box"

And now I'm realizing I'm sort of steam-rolling over Robiwon's thread, so I'll shut up now!
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PHArchivist, that's O.K. I would like to know what your doing to mod yours as well as others. I know it's not accurate, but the size sorta makes up for that. This will hold me over until I acquire a Salzo3. Lets see some pics.
PHArchivist, that's O.K. I would like to know what your doing to mod yours as well as others. I know it's not accurate, but the size sorta makes up for that. This will hold me over until I acquire a Salzo3. Lets see some pics.

Cool man! Went ahead and started another thread! :)
On a side note...The scale is real close to the old Ertl/MPC Darth Vader Tie fighter. I am planning a dio using the pro shop x-wing and the old Vader Tie.

I did my build with the electronics, the canopy will open and the s-foils open and close. The problem is the s-foils dont close althe way. :cry

I will use the kit in the dio with just the cockpit and engine lights wired, rest is just silly....

Sorry for the highjack..back to the original thread.
Would be nice if someone/a group took the time to capture all this information into one thread/website in the form like those Star Fleet Assembly Manuals or Space in Miniature series... or has that been done somewhere already? :lol