My P1 Computer Gauntlet Prop


Active Member
I wanted to make my computer gauntlet for my costume a bit more accurate from the P1 movie, as usual did a bit of research on how to make it more less costly to make the electronics simple to make.
used the larson scanner circuit on the blue lights (though it was a chaser light circuit on the movie), the rest are sequentially off LED flasher circuit. casing/cover made from sintra board/plastic card and did a weathering paint job

the circuit guts (audio was just a simulation)...

the cover...


the cover, weathered painted...


video of finished P1 computer prop
It's a self healing cutting board. It's used for cutting fabric with a rotary blade. The grid is usually in 1 inch increments for easy cutting of quilt squares. For decades it has made its way into the craft and hobby world and has become a must have tool when cutting with an X-Acto knife or any other utility blade.
I noticed that my computer gauntlet is a bit bulky since it is a bit angular, so I made another one but this time it is curved to make it look sleeker, also made another one for the "Wolf" gauntlet though haven't thought of the lights for it yet

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