My new custom-case and the most beautiful Enterprise-A Trekmodeler has ever built!


Well-Known Member
Here's some new pictures of my most prized posession, my TrekModeler 1:350 Enterprise-A in her new, custom made display case. That guy is UNREAL! Enjoy. :)

Enterprise-A Album

And here's a few pics just to get things started.






Re: My new custom-case and the most beautiful Enterprise-A Trekmodeler has ever built

Wow, 75 views and not a single comment? Are you guys mad at me for something? :(
Re: My new custom-case and the most beautiful Enterprise-A Trekmodeler has ever built

Wow, 75 views and not a single comment? Are you guys mad at me for something? :(

Just jealous..... you *******.....:)

congratulations on a great display and model.

Sooo.... how do those people on the hull breathe in space?
Re: My new custom-case and the most beautiful Enterprise-A Trekmodeler has ever built

I would comment, but unfortunately whoever your using as a picture host is blocked at work. I can't see the pics. I do get very nice red X's though.

Seriously though. Give it some time. A lot of people log in and like to read everything and then come back to post stuff. I have had threads that went for days with no commments and then blew up!
Re: My new custom-case and the most beautiful Enterprise-A Trekmodeler has ever built


Whats the story with the battle damamge and people walking on the outside?

Jedi Dade
Re: My new custom-case and the most beautiful Enterprise-A Trekmodeler has ever built

I was going to ask the same thing...
Re: My new custom-case and the most beautiful Enterprise-A Trekmodeler has ever built

I did all the damage and the little crew-members on the outside along with the shuttle-craft just to kinda give the display an intersting little "story" to it. It's really up to the viewer to imagine what might have happened to her. I've been meaning to re-paint the figures in order to give them space-suits, but I just haven't gotten around to it yet. I guess maybe you could say that the Enterprise-A is in dry-dock inside of a StarBase and therefore she has a containment shield up around her that allows for the placement of an artificial, breathable atmosphere for workers on the external hull to use. ;)
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Re: My new custom-case and the most beautiful Enterprise-A Trekmodeler has ever built

Took me a while to find the words and still can't, Absolutely speechless.........:love:love:love
Re: My new custom-case and the most beautiful Enterprise-A Trekmodeler has ever built

Took me a while to find the words and still can't, Absolutely speechless.........:love:love:love

Thank you, Buddy! :) That makes me very happy. I always like to be a good ambasador of TrekModeler's amazing work. THAT dude knows what he's up to! :D
Re: My new custom-case and the most beautiful Enterprise-A Trekmodeler has ever built

Jaw dropping!
I really love the battle damage - done perfectly!
Re: My new custom-case and the most beautiful Enterprise-A Trekmodeler has ever built

Great build and love the lights!
Re: My new custom-case and the most beautiful Enterprise-A Trekmodeler has ever built

That is absolutely incredible, wish I had half the ability to do something like that.
Re: My new custom-case and the most beautiful Enterprise-A Trekmodeler has ever built

Simply incredible. Looks like the Screen used model.
Re: My new custom-case and the most beautiful Enterprise-A Trekmodeler has ever built

Holey Smoke, That's the best Enterprise I've ever seen. :eek Please excuse if this is a dumb question, .. Is that the reissue Polar Lights kit with the aztecing decals that was used? :confused If so I can only hope mine turns out half that good.
Re: My new custom-case and the most beautiful Enterprise-A Trekmodeler has ever built

wow, incredible work!
Re: My new custom-case and the most beautiful Enterprise-A Trekmodeler has ever built

Holey Smoke, That's the best Enterprise I've ever seen. :eek Please excuse if this is a dumb question, .. Is that the reissue Polar Lights kit with the aztecing decals that was used? :confused If so I can only hope mine turns out half that good.

Actually, that's the original Polar Lights kit. All of the Aztecing was airbrushed on using custom friskets. There's 5 seperate layers of aztecing there. Each layer required a separate stencil to be applied.






Re: My new custom-case and the most beautiful Enterprise-A Trekmodeler has ever built

Beautiful build, TrekModeler is one of the best for these. Personally, I would have gone for a pristine TMP E, but the battle damage is very unique. Enjoy, good sir. :)
Re: My new custom-case and the most beautiful Enterprise-A Trekmodeler has ever built

Yes they need space suits. Also they could have just taken the personnel lift, which they are standing next to (rather than the shuttle craft). :sleep

Nerd is not a word we use in this house. :)

Re: My new custom-case and the most beautiful Enterprise-A Trekmodeler has ever built

Dude this is sick. :eek