"My name is a killing word..."


Sr Member
Well, not really, but if it was, this is what I'd use to shatter bone, paralyze nerves, suffocate an enemy or burst his organs...

I actually built one of these about 12 years ago from the few images and one decent screen grab from the film. It was way too small and the main body and grip were horrifyingly innacurate, but it was a 'one off' and still has a place in my heart.

Benefitting from much better reference this all new sculpt is now the correct size and much more accurate than the first attempt. I did idealize the connecting tube coming out of the back of the upper triangle, as the original screen used piece looked pretty cheesy, but the rest is canon.




Thanks for looking.

I love it. Awesome work Shawn.

I've built a couple of these in my time as well, but none of them come anywhere near as close to how I picture a real one would look.

shawn, can you please stop building all those cool props, you make us mediocre scratchbuilders look even less skillfull? :lol

Hope to have the pieces cut for the sardaukar pistol soon.

beautiful piece, bud, hope to speak to you soon, have something i want to ask you

That is a sweet looking weapon you got their Shawn. It has been a while since I've seen Dune that I almost forgot how it looked like. Thanks for refreshing my mind again. ;)
Really nice prop - I still hate the concept, though... Totally changed what "The weirding way" was meant to be about from the books :(
Thank you all very much. I've always considered the designs from DUNE among the most interesting ever realized for a science fiction film and it's still one of my favs, despite it's flaws.

It is a weirding module, or sound-activated weapon, from the 1984 theatrical release of Frank Herbert's best selling science fiction novel, Dune as imagined by director, David Lynch. Many of Dune's props and set pieces were designed by Moebius and H.R. Giger.

Many fans of the Dune novels were disappointed by the liberties taken by David Lynch including the "weirding modules". In the book, the weirding way represented a means of casting your voice to influence others much like manipulating someone using the force. Only certain people, females trained by the Benegesserit order, could use the weirding way. The movie made it a weapon anyone could master with a little training.

However, the movie Dune, is still a masterpiece and beautifully realized if somewhat flawed. It has a legion of fans. If you're interested in classic science fiction, you should definitely give it a try.

Very nice piece, by the way. I certainly like it as I'm one of those legions of fans, both of Frank Herbert's masterpiece and Lynch's.
<div class='quotetop'>(morganthirteen @ Oct 2 2006, 09:51 PM) [snapback]1330822[/snapback]</div>
Thanks, Ry. I really appreciate that.

Don't mention it. I think you've nailed it. Great looking finish, too.
As always. Fantastic work.

- Rylo
Yeah, don't get me wrong, the movie is a classic. I just have major problems with a very few aspects of it.
The Weirding Way, in the book, covers a complete spiritual way of life. Those who are very advanced in the training can command people to act against their will with extreme modulation of their voice without any extrernal equipment ( As seen in the film when Paul and Jessica escape the thopter). The part of the weirding way they teach to the Fremen is really just the equivalent of a highly lethal martial art - Paralleling the extreme survival and combat training given to the Sardaukar on their prison planet.

In the movie, as mentioned by Wuher, all it is is a sound-cannon of sorts - And the only connection to the religion/martial art side of things is the discovery that the waveform of Paul's name is an extremely powerful one when amplified through the modules.

The other thing that sucks is the 'thopter design.
ORNIthopter, design crew. ORNI, meaning BIRD.
They're supposed to be graceful, moving-winged vehicles... Not boxes with hangliders stuck to the roof.