My Completed Sonic Screwdriver Remote Control Conversion

You have to pry the bottom copper cap off very carefully. After that, the white handle should slide off. However, I have noticed that on some remotes there is no glue holding the white handle to the rest of the remote, and on others, there is a generous amount of glue holding the bloody thing on there, so its kind of a toss up. As for screws, the only screws I purchased was the 6-32 set screw for the emitter.
I use steel pins for the claws, not screws. By the way, if anyone does try their hand at converting the remote and ends up destroying the white handle, drop me a line I have something that might interest you.
will do if anything goes wrong, and again i have what i hope will be my last question (sorry about all this) once you've cut the copper part so there is no bar stopping the silver part from moving what do you cut on the silver part to make it move? thanks you've been really helpfull
kursosawa ive been out round all my local DIY shops looking for the "L Shaped Struts" you said you use for the claws however non of my local shops have anything in the size i need, could you point me in the right direction to buy some online and what size you would recommend.
Here is a pic of showing the underside of the aluminum piece You can see where I had to grind down the raised bit.

Hi Kursosawa

Im attempting a similar thing with my remote and wondered where you had ground that raised bit , I noticed you take it all the way to that squared off raised piece I assume so it stops the sonic extending past that point is that right ? On mine I had left a little of that raised bit there for that purpose and just squared it off best I could but have been considering taking it back to that machined flat section was just worried it would let if extend too far out... Hope that makes sence and you can give me a little advise ! Thanks in advance
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