Ive just finished my Sandtrooper custom helmet,which is my first helmet paint job etc ever!! Pictures can be seen here:
Ive done my best at getting that Sandtrooper look,and even though the helmet isnt quite there in terms of accuracy,i think i done ok.Ive got to get some new mesh for the frown but other than that,everything is done.Correct paints and repro stripes from Trooperdecals.com.
Please go gentle,its my first attempt!
Ive done my best at getting that Sandtrooper look,and even though the helmet isnt quite there in terms of accuracy,i think i done ok.Ive got to get some new mesh for the frown but other than that,everything is done.Correct paints and repro stripes from Trooperdecals.com.
Please go gentle,its my first attempt!