OK. Their blog states they are planning a TOS Classic Enterprise prop model, studio scale. 2 versions, pilot and series. But it's now going on end of March 2006 and still no official word on their site.
Does this mean, essentially a formal announcement won't even occur till Trek's 40th anniv, on Sept.8th?
Don't they need more production time to crank these out "while" it's "still" the 40th and not "after"? I get MR's product newsletters almost weekly, sometimes more.
It's always Narnia, Disney, Pirates, SW....SW...MORE SW....Oh..and MORE SW......butt loads of SW's.
Am I being too pushy to expect a word or two on Star Trek?
Frankly, MR promotes/sells SW more than Lucas Films.
Does anyone know if they've completed design specs, material specs, mold sculpting, sent anything to China factories to begin production?
Are they doing tests on the lighting components, stress tests?
Does this mean, essentially a formal announcement won't even occur till Trek's 40th anniv, on Sept.8th?
Don't they need more production time to crank these out "while" it's "still" the 40th and not "after"? I get MR's product newsletters almost weekly, sometimes more.
It's always Narnia, Disney, Pirates, SW....SW...MORE SW....Oh..and MORE SW......butt loads of SW's.
Am I being too pushy to expect a word or two on Star Trek?
Frankly, MR promotes/sells SW more than Lucas Films.
Does anyone know if they've completed design specs, material specs, mold sculpting, sent anything to China factories to begin production?
Are they doing tests on the lighting components, stress tests?