MR Solo Blaster Distressing?

Indy Magnoli

Master Member
I'm looking for a tutorial on how to do accurate distressing to my MR Solo blaster. I searched, but couldn't find any threads, though I know I saw one (possibly not a tutorial, but a nice display of someone who aged theirs). Any help would be appreciated!

When I did MR Elite Edition a few years ago, I just used some of the photo reference available and used a pencil to draw it on. I then used an exacto knife to scrape off what I wanted. In some areas I used micro. files and other small tools. On some of the areas I used the Model Master metalizer paints as well as the muzzle that I stripped down and aged. I mixed in real rust with some of the paints to fill into areas that I wanted. It presents really nicely, but some of the weathering is lost in the pics.

I never fully wrote a tutorial, but hopefully this helps a bit. I have higher res. pics of it if you want them.


That's just what I needed, thanks! Anyone have some nice clear reference shots of the original? I'm doing the ANH version.

What I did with mine is to strip all the paint off with Acetone and then to re-blue the whole gun with a cold blue solution. It came out great.
