Plans on getting a Falcon when I have less comittments, anybody knows if Efx can do or will be doing it? Hope there is info or indications so that I know where to start looking.:confused
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I would say the chances of efx re-doing the Falcon are slim to none. MR actually had to slash the price on the Falcon last year to unload their remaining stock, so in their minds, the demand has been satisfied. I've been following efx carefully, and there has been absolutely no indications of the Falcon being released. Star Destroyer -yes. Slave I - yes. Vader's TIE - yes. Falcon - no.
Would certainly be great to see EFX do an ANH Falcon at some point........scaled of course. If you keep your eyes peeled here and on the bay you should be able to pick a MR bird up at a good discount as people start unloading them in the near future in an effort to pay off their maxed out credit cards.