ANH 5' Falcon with Dykstraflex

So I was fortunate to be invited to Orbital Studios to film the Falcon on a huge Volume set - they were testing an amazing robot motion control arm with a Venice camera system.
The shots are going to be amazing!



THANKS Dan!!! It was so great to have you come out and hang for the day and enjoy it!!!

JediM- I do occasionally take my models to shows/cons. It’s all about timing with my real job and expenses being covered.

And yes - it’s an extreme amount of work, but fun to share.

I’ve always offered to RPFrs, if you are ever in the Denver area, you are welcome to visit the replicas. ;)

That would be totally awesome. Not sure if a Con covers costs or not. Gem Con is next year in Boise May 17th and 18th.
I always like to at least try and see if things like that would work out. If not, then nothing was lost anyways.
I love the blue screen shots!
Back when I was making and shooting models for movies, you could always tell when you were shooting something for ILM. It would be blue screen instead of green.
Oh man that is sweet! It's my dream to have one of my models shot with a motion control rig. Can't wait to see all the results!
Love the blue screen shots Sean.
So glad you were able to bring the Falcon to AMPAS Museum and to spend some time with your heroes.
If anyone should have been an ILMer it is you !