MPC X-Wing Questions


Master Member
I have a first edition X-Wing I want to build but have a few questions for the experts. What's the best base color to start with and does anyone make a better pilot and R2 figure than the one that comes with the kit? Any other suggestion would be appreciated. I'm not looking to redo all the innacuracies, just a few of the easier ones.
Thanks Lynn. I was going to check StarshipModeler and Federation Models this am but you just made my life simple.
Now, what about base color and when they say it comes with an acetate canopy, what involved in fitting that into the canpaoy frame?
The SS ones started white and were weathered from there, but maybe you'd want to "scale" the color by starting with, say, camoflage grey or something a little lighter.
Consider upgrading the wing mechanism at the same time. :)

This was a mistake. Didn't notice the age. sorry.
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