Hm.... goin' all "Elseworlds" on us eh.... :lol
I dunno. The top one is kind of cool, but looks real "Red Son" (the one where Kal-El lands in the Soviet Union instead of the United States).
The "reduced to a diagonal bar" abstract looking "S" shield is from Alex Ross' "Kingdom Come"... meant to be a future version (and the black background means that Kal is mourning some massive megadeath which he was unable to prevent)...
So I dunno, those costumes say to me that we're in for a really DARK Superman film.
It's hard to know what TO do though... the Superman costume is iconic, and I think I've yet to see a change to it that really makes sense or feels organic. The Routh costume in "Returns" is awful.
I guess the aspects I kind of like here are the "cape-collar" effect, and also the getting rid of the red shorts. I think just those two directions, applied to the normal suit, would be an interesting way to go