Moebius Battlestar Galactica. The old one!

The gap was wider to starboard and narrower to port. It was not really a dramatic difference, but still a noticeable one if you have good enough reference to see that area clearly.
The gap was wider to starboard and narrower to port. It was not really a dramatic difference, but still a noticeable one if you have good enough reference to see that area clearly.

No sir, I don't have anything near good enough to show something like that.

I appreciate the advice and heads-up Mr. star-art, but, I dug through everything I have and I can't find anything that helps with any gap differential, so I'm back to identical as I can on both sides.

Any of you fellas following along with me here see anything of that gap I can work on?

Here's all I can come up with.


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That is a pretty good comparison. I'm sure if Port side pics of the engine section were in our greedy little hands, it might be more obvious.

Given the scale of the Moebius kit, I don't think it matters too much.

Just one of those things you get, when things are made by hand, and not machine.
That is a pretty good comparison. I'm sure if Port side pics of the engine section were in our greedy little hands, it might be more obvious.

Given the scale of the Moebius kit, I don't think it matters too much.

Just one of those things you get, when things are made by hand, and not machine.

Mr. edge, ol' buddy, ol' pal, I was thinking the exact same thing! Once I made that comparison I posted, with that little bit (VERY little) of a difference that could maybe be there on a model 6 foot long, I don't even know if I could trim .000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001029987619876524535656 thousandths of an inch off a model 14 total inches long (or whatever this Moebius ends up to be) and if I was able, could we actually see it? Right now, to do this work, I got an 11" magnifying make-up lamp. with an 8" magnifying glass right on top of the 11" with TWO pair of reading glasses (2.0 and 2.5) on my face just to see any of this and NO WHERE NEAR the reference we would need to even see what would need to be cut or where.

It'll have to be is what it is.

It is awful good to see new faces show up and join in though! Thank you for the help and welcome Mr. star-art.
Port is left right? Because in your picture the left side seems wider than the right, right? Oh how to write this. So confused.
Port is left right? Because in your picture the left side seems wider than the right, right? Oh how to write this. So confused.

Port side, according to the Googs, is the driver's side on an American vehicle. I pasted the passenger side (yellow square) of that picture on the driver's side (red square). I don't know which is smaller. Most of y'all have the same reference I got, so y'all tell me. I am open to suggestions.
With the red plastic handle it looks like the old school Paasche airbrush

I still have mine from the eighties, probably the same one

Ok, y'all need to just stop. I painted that neck area in the earlier thread WITH MY FRIGGIN' 80'S PAACHE. This all has to be deliberate and I don't like it.
Ok, y'all need to just stop. I painted that neck area in the earlier thread WITH MY FRIGGIN' 80'S PAACHE. This all has to be deliberate and I don't like it.

The only reason I don't still use mine is it is missing a part.

I originally got mine for painting T-Shirts and Illustration purposes, Never dawned on me I might one day use it for models
The closest thing I was doing at the time to model building was painting up some 40K stuff for my brother and his friends, but that was all done with spray can primers and I had no idea if/how GW paint could be airbrushed

I had taken a couple decades hiatus from modeling and in that time lost one of the parts

I got back into modeling around 2007 when my daughter was being born since I woulld be spending more time at home
So I picked up a Revell Y-Wing at AC Moore for 40% off and not too long after I got my first Amazon gift card from work for some occasion and found the Revell 30th Anniversary Viper and Cylon Raider.

The Raider and Viper were models I had always wanted when I was younger, but never got around to it as I had the mattel BSG toys to keep me occupied

It has been a fast snowballing downhill slide from there

I'm not 100% sure if you just called me a name or not, but when my Wife gets off the phone, I will get on AOL and look up what that means. There's a possibility you could be in trouble. BIG trouble. She's talking to her Maw, so it may be awhile, but my TRS-80 (I sprung for the "cutting edge color") is warming up and will be ready to go... soon as she hangs up. If I need to, I'll dwell the points in my old truck and adjust the carb, stop by the fillin' station and pick up a map (I did have one in the glove box, but can't find it) and I WILL find out where you live Mr. edge. Ya' know, what would be nice is if there was some way to do some of this quicker because apparently you need to see a state of the art piece of equipment? It is 2023.

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