OK, so there is no hobby shops around me, aside from a Games Workshop. Anyway, what's a good place for finding space models? Like different craft, not necessarily SW, ST, or any specific ship. Just sort of looking for a good place to get a few different ones and work on my project..
Well, if you're wanting to do a project of a spaceship that is non-media related, you may want to
scratchbuild one or buy a few of those pre-existing kits and
kitbash them to make it look entirely different. Shows and movies like "Star Wars" and "Star Trek" had some ships that were scratchbuilt using raw material. In fact, I recall a saying that came from a "Star Trek: The Next Generation" model ship builder: "When I went into a hardware store, I didn't see pipes and bolts. I saw parts of spaceships." (I think I may have screwed up the phrasing a bit, but the main point is the same).
Other spaceships in film and TV are basically comprised of many parts from various kits. I read that the Nostromo from "Alien" had parts that came from several "Star Wars" model kits that were left in a parts box at several hobby shops. I'm not sure if its true or not, but that fact is that by kitbashing, you can get a completely unique design. Other kitbashing to original designs includes the
Tumbler from "Batman Begins" and "The Dark Knight", Bomb 20 from "Dark Star" and yes, "Star Wars" had some vehicles that were, in fact, kitbashed models.
If you decide to go with scratchbuilding, you can use any kind of material, everything from wood to styrene plastic, even PVC plastic or various doodads from various places (for example, I've been using Pro-Namel toothpaste for a while, and I've got a couple of the caps from completely used tubes, which looks like they could be the end of a booster rocket or the end of the barrel of a steampunk gun. If you decide to go with kitbashing, find kits that are close enough to what you want to try for and then work forward from there.