Modding the QMx Phaser into a True Stunt...Reversing the Nozzles.


Sr Member
Gone but not forgotten.
Well I got my QMx Phaser and loved it.
However not willing to leave good enough alone...there was one thing that bugged me.

The real stunt phaser has the stun nozzle out...the preview pics of the QMx showed this .
However this one does have those details and frankly..besides any would make a fine hero...if only I could get the nozzle to spin.

Well, I DID!

In examining it I noticed that the nozzle was only glued at the top...and that the top "nose" looked like it was a separate piece...and it was...
I used a little pressure upwards with my hand and the nose broke off...fortunately inside of the rear half of the body.

These are made of a "Polystone" resin that is VERY, VERY be careful!

Then I had a curved tool that I was able to get under the nozzle and the nose and it broke it loose...note, the glue didn't come loose, but the thing broke material out...
I did this a little at a time and could hear and feel it crack and give...

Here are the pieces apart...






Continued next post
I sanded off the excess on the top of the nozzle and bondo'd the nose

Painted the inside of the circle black...

I cut a little bit of grey/black foam rubber about 1/8 inch thick...and re glued the nose back in place...
It holds pretty tight and there is enough friction to keep it in place very well.

And the final piece...
The nozzle is now re positionable whichever way I want it...
I may later re break the nose off and make a more permanent spinny axle..but really this works perfectly :)

And it it's place with my other phasers...


I did this in about 3 hours last night...
Awesome job! I just saw the youtube video of it and it looks great. So, is the rubber on top or bottom of the rotating barrel section?

Thanks again for posting your procedure.
I think I may have to do something like this myself. I was reallying hoping the stun nozzle would have faced outward.
what are you guys thinking?!! if you're gonna pull out your phaser, chances are the situation is serious and warrants the "kill" setting. have you not learned ANYTHING from watching all the TOS episodes? Horta....stun no good. Flying plastic pancake creatures in Operation Annihilate...stun no good. Mugato...stun no good. Tribbles...stun no good (they'll wake up and keep on reproducing). Ruk the giant guy who also played Lurch in Adam's Family...stun no good. Those icky mind control bugs they put in Checkov's ear...stun no good. hey wait, those weren't icky mind control bugs. And that wasn't Checkov's ear.

But I digress.

Look, make it switchable all you want, but when you go to bed at night, I would flip it over to the shiny red nozzle...just to be on the safe side.
Do we know anything about a QMX hero in the works? Man I would love mine to swivel at the push of a button.

That was genius btw Sporak
Great job.
Very clever quick fix to that.
I too was a little disappointed that the barrel didn't swivel.

How hard was it to break the top 'nose' section off?

I'm paranoid to try in case I break something else.
A note to anyone attempting this conversion:
Approach with extreme caution! Sporak's seemed to break apart perfectly, but mine most certainly did not. Thankfully, it's still salvagable, but it's going to take some sanding, filling and repainting work on mine.
These things shatter very easily!
Yeah you have to work it carefully...I lifted up on mine.
I was actually trying to get just the nozzle loose then I noticed the nose was separate.

Another guy I know had his break too but he glued it ,bondod and repainted it.
It came out looking perfect...and functional :)

But yeah...that is very brittle resin.
i was wondering....
I studied mine... and I was thinking to buy the Toy version, and drill the QMX version in order to place electronics inside and a trigger...

Do you think it is possible ??
Here's the nightmare I started with:

And here's my nozzle swap/repair:

Still not entirely happy with the paint job color ... may eventually go lighter like the originals. (Can't seem to find any reference that shows the top piece being that dark.)
Wow, good job putting that back together.
That's exactly why I'm paranoid to attempt this.
I don't think I'd be able to get it back together seemlessly.

I like the paint job you did, it still looks great.
I have two of these and neither broke the way I wanted them to. Both had to be re-glued, puttied and re-painted. However, they look like they just just came out of the box, but this time with a nozzle that spins. If anyone else tries this and has to re-paint, Duplicolor "Precision Gray" is an almost exact match.

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Cool! I actually have that exact colour of Duplicolor in my garage. It's the colour I'm using to paint the Kelvin phaser kit I bought from Sporak.