MiB Orion's Belt (Done! Aug 25th, page 2)

Re: MiB Orion's Belt (work in progress)

Who can sell me one of these beauties - and it's not for my cat!!!
Re: MiB Orion's Belt (work in progress)

Who can sell me one of these beauties - and it's not for my cat!!!

(I guess I'll put on the Funkyjedi hat today.)

Hey there and Welcome to the RPF. To make your time here more enjoyable, please read through the code of conduct section- we have some rules here that we try to follow and one of them is that "want ad" messages are to be kept in the Junkyard. (I noticed that your previous message in this thread got moved to the JY in the "new members want o buy thread" for this reason. As a new member with less than 30 posts, you are only allowed access to that thread.) It's also generally viewed as a good idea to present yourself and become familiar with the site before posting than WTB-messages, since this place is more about creating than buying & selling.

There... that's out of the way. My V2 Galaxy will be available soon... actually getting an updated posting ready with some new photos that should be up later today or tomorrow, so stay tuned!
Re: MiB Orion's Belt (work in progress)

Update time! I'm happy to report that the design printed perfectly. I'm frankly amazed at the detail that's possible when they print in wax and cast in silver. It blows all the plastics away completely, with maybe the exception of their ultra detail, but then that would be nowhere near as durable as this.

Here are a couple photos. Note that in the first one I am holding the parts together and they are not glued down yet. They also need more polishing to truly shine but I was impatient to show it off, haha. I also included an insert of the large-scale hero so that you can compare. They're not perfect but very, very close and I doubt that I could get it any closer without weakening the structure of the print. (The Large Scale Hero is after all MUCH bigger.) So, for all intents, this project is about to be wrapped up. I'll have a JY thread up shortly if anyone wants one.


Here are the parts separated and unpolished. Assembly is by first separating the halves by cutting the thin connecting wire, then putting some glue on the inner ring and in the indentations. Optimum size for the marble is still 18mm.

Now I just gotta find a nice green marble...!
Haha I already HAVE two pets but I don't think my other cat will take too kindly to a kitty-tuxedo... he does talk a lot though.
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Moonmarbles doesn't seem to exist any longer. It's just a "holding" page right now... but the net is full of places, so I'll find a good source soon and share it.
Re: MiB Orion's Belt (work in progress)

Hi Jostrash. Great work, very well done! Could I ask you a favour, please? My girlfriend is really a crazy fun of mib and she' asking to me since many years about a pendent like this. I know that I just made my inscription on this thread, as well I know that this is a site more for modeling then for trading, but I really would love to buy it for her, you would make me really happy. Thanks. Luke
Nice job, sir!


Thank you!

Haha, this thread was brought back from the depths indeed. I forgot to come back and update on how I solved the marble situation. I never really ended up finding a marble I was happy with so i took one of the original dark-blue sparkly ones I had and painted it. I wanted the marble to look like the SFX shot in the film where you see the actual galaxy.

The method I used was to first dip the marble in a jar of "army painter" (medium shade I think). It's a kind of laquer-based intended to "quick wash" gaming miniatures by dipping, which is useful if you want to finish off a huge army quickly. that paint takes several hours to dry and has a thick, motor-oil type viscosity to it.

After that I dipped a thin paint brush in various shades of acrylic (water-based) paint and painted swirls into the coating of shading paint on the marble. Since the acrylic and lacquer do NOT intermix, I could "form" the acrylic into the shapes I wanted. For this I used a mix of white, blue and green. When I was happy with the look, I just let it hang dry for a couple days.

It's not perfect, but works well for what I intended.
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