Miami Vice Movie Gun


New Member
I was told the gun used by Crockett in the new movie will be a SV Infinity with doctor red dot sight and ported barrel and compensator. Does anyone have a picture of the gun?

I thought SV infinity was strictly an airsoft company. Am I mistaken? I can't remember ever seeing an SV gun that was real, but they are always beyond cool looking.

I have seen many real guns like this from STI in Texas. Could they be using a tricked out STI? I'd love to see some pictures. The trailer for the film is less than great. I am disappointed in the video look. I really wish they'd of gone with film.

It didn't really work for Collateral either. I love Michael Mann, but come on, HEAT was his best film, and Miami Vice should have that look to it. (OK, rant over. please forgive me.)

It is. It's not a real gun

OK, so Sv infinty only makes airsoft, so then Crockett must be using somehting other than an Sv infinity in the film. Or is he running around with a gas powered airsoft in the film? Doubt it.

That most likely leaves us with an STI of some formation, or is there another company that creates the heavy block slide style 45 custom guns?

I will have to hunt down some screen caps.

SV Infinity is a real gun company. Mostly for IPSC competition.

Personally, I hate to see Crockett shooting around with a competition gun, maybe that is because I hate Nash Bridges(?). :rolleyes
Damn. :D That's very cool to know. You learn something new every day..

I love the "gun builder" option.

Thank you for that link tycoon. I greatly appreciate it.

As for Crocket running around with a competition gun, I tend to agree. I can't imagine a cop using one of these for undercover duty, but they don't all look like competition guns. Some of what they make look pretty combat ready.

You are welcome. I have taken so much from this forum and I am glad I can contribute just even a little. :p

Let's cross our fingers and wait for the movie this June. And dont forget the guns that Tom Cruise will be using in MI:3

Originally posted by Noeland@Feb 2 2006, 01:54 AM
Damn.  :D  That's very cool to know. You learn something new every day..

I love the "gun builder" option.

Thank you for that link tycoon. I greatly appreciate it.

As for Crocket running around with a competition gun, I tend to agree. I can't imagine a cop using one of these for undercover duty, but they don't all look like competition guns. Some of what they make look pretty combat ready.
