Medical frigate (concept maquette)


Sr Member
Well, ive wanted to build this for an age now. Ive wanted to build the Frigate studio prop for an age, but room just wont allow :lol.

This model is based on the sketch from the ESB sketchbook. IMO, its so much prettier than the final model, but thats just me.

So, while spending time with the Probe droid, i thought id cheat on her, and begin throwing junk together, to see what i could make up as i went along.

Ive got the armature figured, and the nose section is fitted, but, the outer (angled) hull, is proving a very tricky affair, its easier said than done turning a drawing, into a physical shape.
Its been a mare filing into the Stuka wing ive used for the downstem, but the profile seems to suit it.

Ive mocked up the outer hull in card for now, so once i have it fitted, ill post more progress, but, heres where a few odd hours got me. Final model should turn out close to the three feet mark, so not that tiny.


The sketch.

My take so far.


Yeah it already looks sexier than the movie prop, which looks a bit brutish. Nice choice for a project Lee!
Nice, Lee. I think you should fret and sub-fret and sub-sub-fret that Stuka wing even more; the sketch says 'tattered' to me.

In this same vein there's an unbuilt Rebel cruiser in the ROTJ sketchbook that I've really wanted to build. Really a shame Lucas didn't lash out a bit more to bulk up the fleets for Endor; there clearly was the intent to do so at one time.
Scott, thanks bud, hope i can pull it off, this outer hull, OMG.......its a piggy.

Martyn, yeah, think i need more tatter, may even attack it with the dremel yet, make it look feather away, almost rusted/eroded away?

ROTJ sketch, if you mean the ship thats under the ISD, kinda Skiff fronted? Yeah, very, very nice.

Think they just ran out of time on fleet builds, many were so elaborate (Moncal's) that funds/time wouldnt allow.

Yeah, go for it, Lee. What you've done looks great, don't get me wrong, it's got the main shapes really nailed. I just think you can take it down to a finer degree of notching - and yeah, maybe even feather it with the Dremel in places, yeah, it looks about that tattered, especially the fourth "promontory" up from the bottom. Or you could overlay some really thin styrene, or even heavy foil, mebbe?

And yeah, that's the one. Love that ship. They *sort of* resurrected it for ROTS, but...nah, it's junk! Picture that ship built in California in 1981-82 using all the usual suspect kits, and you know where I'm coming from.
Love to see this. I've seen the kitlist from the 'regular' frigate and that's just incredible. Hope you don't have buy all those kits for this one.
I like this ship and look forward to seeing it progress.

I had been looking forward to an upcoming kit from RC but it has evidently been postponed, if not canceled...
Love to see this. I've seen the kitlist from the 'regular' frigate and that's just incredible. Hope you don't have buy all those kits for this one.

Almar yes, the Frigate kit list a big one, think Kbilly has about nailed a lot of whats on the prop though.
This model isnt in studio scale anyway, its a maquette, kind of a story board model, that will be built from ANH/TESB period donors only, and based as close as possible to the sketch, just to keep the mood.
Its VERY tricky though, some of the shapes drawn in pencil, just dont translate to the physical realm lol.
Pretty much, she's just a junk throw together from all my surplus bits and bobs, that i know (famous last words) ill never need for studio scale projects.

Cut the outer hull plates in ABS. Had to settle for a design that was feasible to work in a 3D shape.
Doesnt look too bad, and, this is a bit of fun, anal accuracy stays at the door with this one :lol.
Reckon i may clean these up and use 'em, theres still soooo many cool parts to apply yet, no really, i have lots of coooooool parts :lol.

Dont phone....its just for FUN.





Scott, best post ive ever read :lol. Yeah, just wanted to blow off some steam i guess and have a blast with a few kits.

the problem with using sketches as source material is that, by nature, they're sketchy. However, you said this is to be a purely fun build. So, are you? If that answer is yes, then your build is successful, even if it looks like toilet fodder. i say, "job done well."
I like it. Along with the original sketches of the rebel transport, it looks like these ships have seen many better days, and aren't nearly as good looking as when first built. (Like the re-imagined Galactica.)

Did you ever finish this?
Picked this back up the other day, added a few bits and started glueing stuff, also started roughing out a couple of TESB fleet concepts inspired by Greg R Welsh, just kinda toying around with some donors i have going spare i guess, get some use out of them!


Will maybe do an early concept falcon to mount on the frigate yes, just wanted to have some fun rolling kit parts in glue and seeing what happened, breaks me out of the anal studio accuracy mode for a bit!

You do have cool parts!
Its a great sketch and a wonderful ship to freestyle with bits.
This way you stay out of the shadow of the inhuman studioscale one by ShowCraft ;)
Great thread. Have fun!