Master Replicas Falcon info collecting


Sr Member
As the title says I'm collecting info on the Master Replicas Millenium Falcon.

Here is what I have. Please add or correct as needed:

Master Replicas Millenium Falcon:

1,500 Limited Editions made.

500 Signature Editions made. Only difference being different plaques with Ford's signature and a small "Signature Edition" printed on the bottom of the model.

100 + or - APs, samples, etc.

So not more than 2,100 of these in the world.

L.E. went for around $2,200 give or take

S.E. went for around $2,700+

S.E. probably first 500 made

Each Model built and painted by hand.

1,100 different parts.

Internal heavy duty frame

S.E. shipped Dec 1st 06

L.E. Shipped late Dec/Early Jan

Some had problems with lights not working or not working for long. Some have been able to fix and in one case the problem was discovered in the base making it much easier to fix than taking the model apart.

Paint jobs varied greatly mostly in how heavy the weathering was.

Some had uneven manibles or forks in the front.

One of the two plaques had the word cannon misspelled. The corrected version was provided.

Any additional info and or corrections are greatly appreciated.
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Re: Master Replicas and Toys R Us Extraordinaire Falcon info collecting

Also I was wondering if anyone knows if the number you have is actually the number yours was made or do they just throw the plaques in with the models randomly?
You might want to add that there was a misspelling of the word "Cannon" on the 2nd plaque. Replacement plaques were issued.
How's about - 'It's a ***** to mount on the display stilt' - That's fact! ;)

Amen.:cry They say to use two people and that would be the smart thing to do. I have unpacked, packed, and set it up twice by myself. Two people would have been better for sure.
Amen.:cry They say to use two people and that would be the smart thing to do. I have unpacked, packed, and set it up twice by myself. Two people would have been better for sure.

There are films of Joe Johnston carrying the original 32" Falcon around with one hand like it was nothing. The MR weighs like 50 lbs. or more! Outside of how heavy it is, I still never get sick of looking at it.
Sorry for such a grave-dig but I figured I'd ask here rather than start up a new thread. Anyway, are there any recommendations on where to get an acrylic base large enough to fit this piece?
If you're not using the base that came with the model... why acrylic? The original base was wooden with an acrylic mirror, and a post with the power jack inserted. BTW the original base is very large... bigger by a couple of inches than the model itself.

But a nice wooden base with the power mount and a regular glass mirror would probably be cheaper and nicer... the acrylic mirror is very fussy and easily scratched by simple dusting... glass is much more forgiving.

Jedi Dade
If you're not using the base that came with the model... why acrylic? The original base was wooden with an acrylic mirror, and a post with the power jack inserted. BTW the original base is very large... bigger by a couple of inches than the model itself.

But a nice wooden base with the power mount and a regular glass mirror would probably be cheaper and nicer... the acrylic mirror is very fussy and easily scratched by simple dusting... glass is much more forgiving.

Jedi Dade

I don't have this in hand yet so I was unaware of that. But yeah, I plan on using the mirrored base that came with it. Any recommendations on where to acquire such a glass cover?
For a "cover" acrylic works great. I was suggesting that if you were building a base that you use a glass mirror instead of acrylic I had one built for my Falcon at a local place that deals in plastics. for a base the acrylic mirror is pretty touchy... but if you have a cover on it to keep dirt and dust away it should be fine.

Do a google search on "acrylic sheet" + your home town - skip the "ads" and check out a few of the links. You'll likely find a place within a reasonable distance that can make a case for you. I don't remember exactly what mine cost... it is a pretty big box.

The acrylic cover is pretty easily scratched as well but its no where near as noticeable in "clear" as on a mirror. and there is acrylic polish that works well on the clear to clean up scratches... never tried it on the mirror.

I hope that helps.

Jedi Dade
I live in Baltimore MD, and had a local shop make a "MR" style acrylic cover for mine (with the rolled sides) and it fit like a glove. They made windows for boats, IIRC..... just look around locally for any one that advertises acrylics/plastics. If they have a big enough break/bender, they will do it. I think I paid $175 back in 2006?
Thanks, guys. I believe I may have found a place that may do it for me. And after much consideration, I think I will get some sort of pedestal for it, as well. Do any of you guys keep it on top of something like that?
remember that the port that holds the Falcon is tilted... so if you want to display it in any other position you'll need some sort of setup that can tilt... also remember that its just gravity holding it in... so if you tilt too far in the wrong direction it "could" slip off - but you'd have to go pretty far to the right ;) But it "is possible. Making it "level" should not be an issue... I've not tried to see how far it "could go"... pretty far, but just wanted to bring it up in case you're planning something whacky :) Hate to see a catastrophe...

Jedi Dade