Greetings all! I know many of you already from other sites and forums but this is my first posting here on the RPF, so hello to everyone! (I didn't see any kind of "introduce yourself" or "newbs" thread, is there one that I missed?) I'm generally known as "The Guyver Guy" (not by choice, that's just the name that stuck) from the BioWeapons.com website.
Anyhow, down to business. I'm currently working on 2 new suits of armor from Mass Effect 2. A male and a female version of the N7 Armor. Only about a week into the build so far, but I'm pretty happy with it how its turning out.
Crafted in EVA sheet foam.
Here is a few of the latest progress photos.
Previous progress photos as well as daily updates can be found on my N7 Armor Blog.
Anyhow, down to business. I'm currently working on 2 new suits of armor from Mass Effect 2. A male and a female version of the N7 Armor. Only about a week into the build so far, but I'm pretty happy with it how its turning out.
Crafted in EVA sheet foam.
Here is a few of the latest progress photos.

Previous progress photos as well as daily updates can be found on my N7 Armor Blog.