Mass Effect 2 N7 Armor Builds


Greetings all! I know many of you already from other sites and forums but this is my first posting here on the RPF, so hello to everyone! (I didn't see any kind of "introduce yourself" or "newbs" thread, is there one that I missed?) I'm generally known as "The Guyver Guy" (not by choice, that's just the name that stuck) from the website.

Anyhow, down to business. I'm currently working on 2 new suits of armor from Mass Effect 2. A male and a female version of the N7 Armor. Only about a week into the build so far, but I'm pretty happy with it how its turning out.

Crafted in EVA sheet foam.

Here is a few of the latest progress photos.



Previous progress photos as well as daily updates can be found on my N7 Armor Blog.
that's pretty damn awesome looking

EDIT: a much has all that foam cost you? because it seems like its a ridiculously expensive thing here in's like 50 bucks for 4x24 inch
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Wow, were one of the very first websites I used to go to when I wanted to go special FX. It's been years now, but I recognized your avatar right away. ^_^
Welcome on RPF !

These costumes are looking really great, nicely crafted even thought it's only a start. I'll be keeping an eye on this thread for your updates. :)
that's pretty damn awesome looking

EDIT: a much has all that foam cost you? because it seems like its a ridiculously expensive thing here in's like 50 bucks for 4x24 inch

Well, the costs for it here just recently DOUBLED, but it's still quite affordable. I just paid about $15 USD for a pack of 4 sheets 1/2 inch thick, 2x2 foot each. Less than a month ago it was only costing me $12 USD for a pack of SIX sheets the same size.

Have you tried ordering it online?
yeah i just had a look on ebay and the cheapest options seem to be the camping mats which i think are the same stuff.....

and then i just found this:

CREATIVE HANDS - The Big Pack - 40 Foam Sheets - eBay, Other Crafts, Crafts. (end time 01-Jul-10 08:19:13 AEST)

it doesn't say how thick it is but i assume its thin....which considering i'm looking to fake leather it might be a good choice.....

anyway, enough hijacking from to your n7 armour...

the lighter panels....have you glued another fabric onto that? or is that how that lot of foam came?....
It's nice seeing an armor build that isn't SW, Halo, or IM. Not that there is anything wrong with those, but its nice to see something different.

I would love to see some close up shots of the build.

Is this just foam, hot glue and electronics?
Wow. Mass Effect is one of my favorite game series, and I've been impressed with your Guyver build since I first saw it.

Definitely keeping up with this thread!
Yes, it's just foam, hot glue and some lighting so far. The foam has a patterned rubber coating on one side, which is why I decided to use it for this build. The pattern is very similar to the carbon-fiber look of the armor in game. Where you see different textures it's simply the other side of the same foam.

If looking for this material just do a web search for "EVA sheet foam" or "EVA floor padding". Different kinds/brands have different patterns stamped into them, and some have no patterns at all.
Glad you posted these here. I about brought them up in another thread when someone was talking about foam.. but I must say.. You've mastered this, it's incredible what you're able to do with that medium. Ahh! These are just beautiful
Wow... this is looking xtra nice EvilFx.
Can't wait to see more of it !!!

It's nice to see that heat-forming this type of foam seems to be pretty "easy". You got a great result on the female chestplate.
Nice! Its really got me thinking about applying this method for a Batman suit.
I really like it, that texture is kinda what i want to do with my Briarios costume from Appleseed. Also i've been following your website and can't wait to see the rest of the guyver suit tutorials (i've been printing them for my refference binder).
OOOOH wow! Love MAss Effect 2 costumes. Just seen an Awesome Samara and now this!

Ive got to ask how you 'molded' the bust cup shape out of the foam? i know you can manipulate foam to a certain degree with heat, but doesnt that make it lose its pattern?

btw ive always loved your bioweapons site.