Mass Effect 2 - M8 Assault Rifle: FINISHED! See p.5


Sr Member
Well well well... Yodajammies is showing off his fancy-pants CNC build on his M7, so I figure I'll throw my hat into the ring with my old-school "Layer MDF and hack at it with a belt sander" method!

Eric and I are also both attending DragonCon this year, but he's got a bit of a head start on me with the costume. We'll both be costuming as Shepard, but he's got quite a lot of neat tools at his disposal - shop bot, CNC stuff, and 3D modeling. Should be cool seeing each other's work in person!

Anyhow, onto the build!

I started by making blueprints in Illustrator. These are based off mostly in-game screenshots, though I did find some nice rips of the game models in 3DSMax I played around with later.

I build on the cheap, so much like my AER9 project, this will be a mostly MDF gun. The lion's share of the project was drawn out on 3/4" MDF.


Pieces were kept symmetrical by clamping them together after trimming and sanding the edges flat


My main construction idea with this project is to have a central flat piece that the top receiver and bottom grips will "slot" onto. This is the top piece being glued around a thin spine


This gives a better idea of what I'm talking about - you can see here how the bottom grip pieces fit over the profile shape of the gun.


This is a pretty good trick for getting straight edges on a weird piece like this. The angle aluminum is screwed to the frame and routed flush.


The top piece and bottom grips have since been sanded down on a belt sander to their approximate shapes. This is currently how the gun looks.



Eric is already molding his piece, so I've got some catching up to do. Make sure to watch both our threads for a little friendly prop competition!
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Re: Mass Effect 2 - M8 Assault Rifle

buwahahahah LET IT BEGINNNNNN!

Like I said, 20,000$ robot at my disposal and I'll still probably get my ass handed to me.
Re: Mass Effect 2 - M8 Assault Rifle

Oh man. That is utterly fantastic! Will be keeping a close eye on this thread, I'm a big Mass Effect fan.

Out of curiosity, where did you get the 3dsmax files? I'm looking for models of the ships, particularly the Normandy.
Re: Mass Effect 2 - M8 Assault Rifle

Volpin, you never cease to amaze me what you can make out of some MDF and some paint. I'd kill for one your portal guns and this one looks like it's going to be just as awesome.
Re: Mass Effect 2 - M8 Assault Rifle

Oh no, Volpin is making something that I like again.

Preparing to deploy jealousy.
Re: Mass Effect 2 - M8 Assault Rifle

i see a green kind of glue on some areas.. what is that?

awesome work by the way.
makes my techniques for building guns look like a kid playing with mud
Re: Mass Effect 2 - M8 Assault Rifle

The man who inspired me to want to create props is at it again. I've never played mass effect and it is not even finished and I love it, I look forward to seeing it done.
Re: Mass Effect 2 - M8 Assault Rifle

Like I said, 20,000$ robot at my disposal and I'll still probably get my ass handed to me.

I don't know about that... you have precision and symmetry on your side!

Out of curiosity, where did you get the 3dsmax files? I'm looking for models of the ships, particularly the Normandy.

I honestly don't remember... but I DO have some super detailed normandy renderings. Send me a PM and I can email them to ya.

Volpin, you never cease to amaze me what you can make out of some MDF and some paint.

Thanks! My goal for this is actually not to spend any money on new materials - so far this has all been built from stuff i already had laying around from other projects. I think I might have to buy a battery box for the LEDs, but so far I haven't spent a dime on it!

i see a green kind of glue on some areas.. what is that?

...cough... its wood glue dissolving some... um... creative liberty i take with my builds....

fun fact: I've done this, somewhere, on everything I've ever made. Yes, I'm 5 years old


ANYWAYS! More progress.

Starting out, I made the weird little boxy thing that sits behind the grip out of (surprise!) more layered MDF. I have no clue what this thing is supposed to represent on an actual firearm.


I also added some 1/4" to the grip and rear stock, and cut out the recess int he rear stock area.


The scope parts are made from .060 vacuumformed styrene. I want these to be hollow since they'll have LEDs in them. Kind of wish i had some thinner stuff laying around, but I'm trying to keep this at $0.


The little plug thing on the side of the gun (there are 4 of them) was lathed out of some scrap wood I had laying around. I think this used to be a table leg. I'll mold this to make the other 3 parts.


I also built the lower barrel shroud out of some MDF, sintra, and styrene. I used interior bracing to help it keep shape.



This is where I wrapped up last night. I'm hoping to have all the component parts built by the end of today... we'll see about that.

Re: Mass Effect 2 - M8 Assault Rifle

ROFL at the "spoiler"... yeah, Very mature.

And thanks for the update!
Re: Mass Effect 2 - M8 Assault Rifle

Volpin you owe me a new monitor as I just spit my drink all over the screen because of your spoiler.
Re: Mass Effect 2 - M8 Assault Rifle

Where did you place your "spoiler" on the Aer9 rifle you gave to Bethesda :)
Re: Mass Effect 2 - M8 Assault Rifle

Looks great so far! Hopefully I get to see both guns at DragonCon.

...which reminds me, I should probably get back to work on my guns for the con...
Re: Mass Effect 2 - M8 Assault Rifle

Where did you place your "spoiler" on the Aer9 rifle you gave to Bethesda :)

Oh, thats a secret... but I sincerely hope that thing never falls and cracks in half or anything.

Spent some time on Sunday in the shop.. no as much as I'd like, so I missed my self-imposed goal of having everything blocked out by yesterday... but I came close!

First off was the scope, lathed from some laminated MDF pucks


This had a channel carved into the middle of it so I could give it the "rubber" texture of the real one. I found some spare foam stuff in my shop which looks the part.


The forward grips on the M8 sit higher than the one at the end, so I had to slot them to move upwards about 1/4"


Here's a shot of them and the lower barrel guard with the barrel inserted.


I also worked on the trigger mechanism. Yes, it looks like complete monkey barf here, but this is all hidden in the end.


Some "assembled" shots of the progress from the weekend.



And another of the M8 and my friend Tom's M-4 Shuriken pistol build (he was over at my shop using some of my bench tools since he has to do all his work out of an apartment)


New goal is to have pieces in primer, with carved panel lines, by Friday... here's hoping!
Re: Mass Effect 2 - M8 Assault Rifle

Looks incredible so far. Love things made out of wood. (Well, MDF isn't really wood, but who cares.)
Re: Mass Effect 2 - M8 Assault Rifle

Simply amazing! I am so happy to see all the Mass Effect love lately as it's my favorite new IP in a loooooooong time! I can't wait to see this one completed!
Re: Mass Effect 2 - M8 Assault Rifle

Dude, that is 10 layers of awesome! Great work!
Re: Mass Effect 2 - M8 Assault Rifle

That is awesome!

I love the pistol too!

I'm going to have to try using MDF for something. I've never used it other than in a shelf.
Re: Mass Effect 2 - M8 Assault Rifle

They both ROCK! I especially love the trigger, no blaster is complete without a working trigger!