Marv from SIN CITY


Active Member
I kinda rushed this to get it done in time for the SDCC, and I worried the entire time about how it was going to turn out. In the end there are things I might have changed, but I ws really happy with the overall effect and even more happy with the crowd reactions to my Marv make-up job. So, here is myself as Marv and my friend as Kevin... let me know what you all think.


Me and the head of KNB FX shop Greg Nicotero whose shop did the work for Sin City. (I hope he got a kick out of it.)


Rosario Dawson really liked it.


Some other shots....


The shirt was signed by Rosario Dawson. It says.."Marv, it's good to have you back, Rosario Dawson."

It was certainly alot of fun.. although I just can't seem to get a costume that I'm the right size for. I'm either too old, too short, too skinny... LOL (Oh well, I'd say on the whole it was indeed a success.)
<div class='quotetop'>(AlpineDarth Maul @ Jul 26 2006, 12:13 AM) [snapback]1287849[/snapback]</div>

Rosario Dawson really liked it.


You lucky bastards.....What I wouldn't give to be handcuffed to Rosario as well.

Great work on the costumes.
I saw you walking around the con, your makeup was so awesome, I had to do a double take.
Really awesome job.
I wouldnt even be able to fathom where to begin on a project like that.
You didn't lose the key when you got her cuffed? I'm so disappointed. Uh sorry hun we're gonna hafta stay like this for awhile.
Nicely done. What did you have to do to get Rosario to be handcuffed with tell us your secrets. :)