Make your own Lightsaber stand display tutorial


Master Member
I made my own stand out of clear acrylic sheets from home depot and some acrylic dowels. total cost was less than 20 dollars, fun to make, and I like it.


Now make your own dang stand.:p

First you need 2 8X10 sheets found at lowes or homedepot. and 3 clear acrylic dowels

hole saw
metal straight edge or metal ruler
hobby saw or strong heavy duty razor knife
drill and drill bits


First, line up your sabers to prep your stand. Then go up about 2 inches and make a line to the corner of the sheet.

Next, make your lines as well as your spots for the dowels. Then use a small pilot bit to drill out your holes.
Very important step. You MUST get the other side exact or you will have a funky stand. I used clamps to match mine up and drilled my pilot holes.
Don't try to drill the finish hole without using a pilot bit and then go to the next size bits. Get your holes to the size of your dowel, and then the same size as your bit from your hole saw. There is no right or wrong size. Its custom and yours, so use what you want.

I'm out of room for photos.
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Re: DIY lightsaber stand.

Next I cut my edge. I used a metal ruler to get my cuts clean.
Next I prepared my dowels for cutting. I went with 8 1/2 inches but you can choose what ever you like
Notice I still have the protective covering film on the stand. If you remove it before you finish your cuts, you can scratch or scar your stand.
once my cuts were complete, I glued the dowels in place and let dry. You will now need to remove the film or the glue won't hold

Here it is again all finished up.

Again, this is custom and there is no right or wrong way to make these. Have fun. Feel free to jump in or ask questions.

You will also end up with an already prepared left over for an addition stand if you want.

Not to shabby for less than 20 dollars
Re: DIY lightsaber stand.

Kevin, this came out great!! I have fooled around with lowes lexan before, to make router jigs

Home depo didn't have the acrylic dowels did they?!

Did you grab the glue online or did u find that at a store as well?

This came out great!! For the price it can't be beat!

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Re: DIY lightsaber stand.

Kevin, this came out great!! I have fooled around with lowes lexan before, to make router jigs

Home depo didn't have the acrylic dowels did they?!

Did you grab the glue online or did u find that at a store as well?

This came out great!! For the price it can't be beat!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The dowels I bought on ebay for a project a few years back. The glue was bought at a hobby shop. The same used for abs and styrene

Easy project for sure.
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