M*A*S*H Props from the Swamp


New Member
Has anybody ever had interest in the "swamp" door and especially the "still" AKA "the well-spring of life"?
I am looking for screen caps to get information from, my local library only has season one on DVD and I know there are some good caps in episodes from other seasons. I have found some pictures of the "still" but nothing big or detailed. I am also interested in other furnishings, most wouldn’t be too hard such as the crate chairs but cool none the less when coupled with something such as the famous "still". I always found the communication radio neat as well, I don’t know if anybody has info on that as well.
Anybody who has any information would be priceless, thanks.

p.s. I have looked at the other M*A*S*H thread which was inspiring.... I might have to try my hand at the sigh post someday.
The still is at the Smithsonian on display.
The will send pics if you write to them.

Thanks for the tip, the website only had the signpost but of nothing else. I have sent an email and am waiting for a reply and hopefully they respond, not holding my breath though.
It did and it says it will reopen by fall 2008. I don't think the still was on display as of late but I dont know for sure. Hopefully they can send me some good images but I think its a long shot.
Thats what I’ve heard.
I can’t believe nobody has had Interest in the "still".
Anyway ive sort been throwing this around in my head for a while and the parts shouldn’t be too hard to come about, i.e.: the glass bottle, the copper-condensing coil, the surgical tubing. I actually have some of this lying around.
The long valve apparatus will be a challenge and something important to get right though. Any thoughts on what it is? I have an old antique range in the basement that’s burner valve apparatus looks similar. I suppose 127 yard sales coming up would be my best bet.

If familiar with the show you likely know the still almost never looked the same in each episode and was destroyed twice (once looking similar to this picture). So I suppose I have some leeway with it but I still want to get it right. Any thoughts and info would be much appreciated.
Attention all personnel! Anybody made one of these yet? We are now 13 years down the track!!