LUKES Severed hand found on Bespin!! WIP

Love the idea :)

I've love to know how you went about making the saber. It looks pretty great and the rust finish is spectacular.

Hi thanks :) i am actually selling it on the Junkyard at the moment :)
the base was Das clay which i coated in resin and then sand.the saber was a cast of a real saber grip with the upper section being scratchbuilt using plumbers pipe the skeleton was a hand off ebay and i sculpted the radius and ulna as it was not present.The crystal is just a simple flashy thing glued to a round crystal. Simple but effective :)
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So, I bought this :)
Really love the way it looks, and as someone who has ZERO skills when it comes to crafting/painting/customizing/etc, was happy it came up for sale.
Very excited and anxious about getting it!
Great glad its going to someone who appreciates it :)

So, I bought this :)
Really love the way it looks, and as someone who has ZERO skills when it comes to crafting/painting/customizing/etc, was happy it came up for sale.
Very excited and anxious about getting it!
Neat idea judgedredd! I'd often wondered what happend to Luke's hand and lightsaber after he lost both in Bespin.

I found out in 1995/6 after reading in the book 'Star Wars - The Last Command' by Timothy Zahn (1993) that it reappears on page 424.

There's a bit of backstory too about how that was able to transpire...

Here's an account of the history of the Anakin/Luke lightsaber...'s_second_lightsaber

There are a few bits of this account that seem wonky to me, but I haven't read everything ever printed, maybe I need to add to my Star Wars Library! ;)

Now with Disney in control of the Star Wars Universe, and how they've thrown the books out of Canon, namely 'Ben' is a now a Solo and not a Skywalker, when it was Jacen Solo was the Han/Leia child who went to the Dark Side in the books, who knows how they're going to try and explain how Maz Kanata comes into possession of the Anakin/Luke lightsaber? Maybe all those teaser pics of Leia being handed the lightsaber by Maz, were actually given to us in reverse to throw us off the trail that it was Leia that had given it to Maz for safe keeping?

Maybe we'll find out in Episode VIII?
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