LUKES Severed hand found on Bespin!! WIP

Let's say...for the sake of "reality"...Would the flesh of his had decay and fall off completely or would it desiccate? I guess it would depend on what kind of bacteria, microbes and bugs were on Cloud City.

A creepy idea would be to make a few phalanges move intermittently or have the light saber rock back and forth every so often. :devil

Ok someone explain this to me. I'm a casual lover of Star Wars so hope I don't offend anyone with a lack of knowledge. But.... Luke gets his hand and light saber cut off in TESB. It falls away I assume to the planet below cloud city. Luke gets this Lightsaber from kenobe and is told it was his fathers. The. In the force awakens that same saber pops up... Where the heck did it come from ?

The problem is that you assume it fell to the planet. Obviously that assumption was wrong. ;) Imma guess it got caught in an air filter somewhere, and some maintenance dude found it.
Yeah the story behind Luke's saber being found it pretty crappy if you ask me. I had been wondering this months ago and ran across this image somewhere on here. A quick google search found it for me again. The image seems to be taken from one of those Star Wars experience displays either at a Disney resort or in a big city's display.

View attachment 589185

Honestly, I couldn't disagree more. I absolutely hate, hate, HATE it when stories try to crowbar ridiculous "epic" backstories for every single recognizable object. One of the worst offenders I can think of is Heroes, when they gave us a backstory as to why HRG wore glasses. Heaven forbid a middle aged man wears glasses because his vision deteriorated naturally like every other glasses-wearing person in existence. But nope, every character ever is such a super special snowflake that even their turds have convoluted backstories.

I'm actually pretty annoyed that they have it as much lip-service as they did in the movie. Just show us the lightsaber in the box, and anybody who's awake can figure out that it was salvaged and eventually sold to Maz. No need to turn it in to a crappy fan-fiction.
The problem is that you assume it fell to the planet. Obviously that assumption was wrong. ;) Imma guess it got caught in an air filter somewhere, and some maintenance dude found it.

I think we're all guilty of assuming something or another when it comes to Star Wars. LOL I remember when ESB came out me and my friends for the next 3 years debated on if Darth Vader was actually Luke's dad or if because he was evil he was lying and was just messing with his head to because he was such a badass! :)
Honestly, I couldn't disagree more. I absolutely hate, hate, HATE it when stories try to crowbar ridiculous "epic" backstories for every single recognizable object. One of the worst offenders I can think of is Heroes, when they gave us a backstory as to why HRG wore glasses. Heaven forbid a middle aged man wears glasses because his vision deteriorated naturally like every other glasses-wearing person in existence. But nope, every character ever is such a super special snowflake that even their turds have convoluted backstories.

I'm actually pretty annoyed that they have it as much lip-service as they did in the movie. Just show us the lightsaber in the box, and anybody who's awake can figure out that it was salvaged and eventually sold to Maz. No need to turn it in to a crappy fan-fiction.

I had a convoluted turd once. You don't want to hear that story though, believe me.
i got moved ? i thought it was more sculpture than costume :) i guess it can be both no worries lol

As far as the story behind the Saber there isn't one currently so its all conjecture but always good for discussion.
i got moved ? i thought it was more sculpture than costume :) i guess it can be both no worries lol

I think the idea is to keep pretty much anything Star Wars related in one spot. One could also argue that it's a variant replica of the severed hand prop used in the movie.
Back in 2014 when I learned that a G R A F L E X would appear again in Episode VII ... I found this picture online and wrote a small caption to it :

Blue Ugnaught : 'Psst, Princess Leia ... we've found something interesting whilest doing maintenance in the lower regions ... are you interested?'

Princess Leia : 'What is it? Nevermind, it will have to wait. I have to save Luke first ... where's Lando?'


It fell into the lando system where Maz used her giant space metal detector to find it and add to her lost and found collection. Then Rey stole it.
Done a bit more to it need to finish the base and add some crystals and detail plus flashing leds to the interior.
I gotta agree, I hated them bringing back Little orphan Anni's Light saber as well. Lets not detract from the fact that this is damn cool! Awesome Idea, excellent execution Judgedredd! !!
Well, we never saw what was in Maz's box -- maybe the hand was right underneath the saber. Rey shoulda taken IT back to Luke, too.
Sorry i forgot to explain!!
It was featured on an episode of "Bespin Salvage Squad" where they restored it to its original resplendent state which is why the missing lower red button was replaced by the fish eye one :) Maz later purchased it off Bespin ebay.
The hand had a full Burial.
Sorry for the confusion.
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