Dymerski wrote:<HR></TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS=$row_color>
Is SMT a good company? I want to order the dropship.
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I've seen their casting up close and I won't say they're bad, but they're not exactly accurate. I was not impressed with the drop ship when I saw it built and painted. Which is really sad, since it's a large kit and if it were done right it could have been awesome. The probe droid needs modifications to correct it, as well as their B-wing.
SMT is one of those companies that I'm always tempted to get something from, but when I see it in person, I'm less inclined to pay full price for one of their kits. I've heard their AT-AT is pretty accurate though.
If you know of anyone who has their kits, I'd ask to look at them before you buy. I guess it all boils donw to how much work you want to put into a kit before you can call it accurate. From what I've seen Alfred Wong's pattern work is clean for the most part, but his accuracy leaves something to be desired. A lot of it is just tweaking here and there, but for the price, I feel I shouldn't have to.
I'd look around and talk to people who own some SMT kits before you buy. It'd be best if you could actually hold one in your hands, like at a show so you can see if you like it.