Looking for BTTF Delorean image collection!


Jr Member
Hi Everyone,

I'm building a modified Little Tikes Cozy Coup for my daughter. She loves her Cozy Coup and she's not even 2 yet.

Its time to get her hooked! To the best movies I grew up on that is ;) lol

I need your help. I had stumbled on a photo collection of the BTTF Delorean that was taken by a tourist I believe at a museum. There were a few hundred high res images and it was very well documented.

Does anyone have a link to that photo set? I've done multiple searches for it but no luck!
You guys are my only hope!


PS, if anyone is interested in the process to build this please let me know. It will be some Photogrammetry, 3D printing, and lots of electronics work! lol

The base to build on :D
Can't help with the photoset, but I'd be interested to hear about your process to get the car digitized - my daughter had one of these :).
Yea, definitely do a thread in the prop forums to track your progress. You'll probably also get better results on the request for the pictures there too.
If you happen to find the collection you saw before, please post it! I'd love to see it. In the meantime here are some I collected as reference for the Eaglemoss kit.
