Looking for a light source


New Member
This odd ball light I have been looking for some time and cant figure a way to work it out (Looking for suggestions)
The light in the photo comes on a space heater it is too small for my application however it looks close. Each end of the light should be rounded at the ends and barrel shape (full round or d shaped) much like a dowel or pencil.
I need one in green and one in red in the dimensions of 1.325" x .385"
I thought about getting come acrylic rod and trying to shape it to fit but polishing the cut surfaces is difficult. Any thoughts or suggestions?
Once you have polished the acrylic ends with super-fine sandpaper you could "flame polish" it by putting it over a flame very briefly. That should make the dull surface clear.
I dunno if there is any readily available gizmo that has that particular shape from the start, though...
I thought about that. Perhaps light it from the back with an LED or incandescent light source. I have room behind the hole so that would not be a problem.
Was hoping perhaps someone might have seen a light on an existing piece that I could pirate off, or have a source for odd ball lighting or lenses.
I think what is suggested above would be the best result - I use the flame polishing method on many an acrylic, and its amazing the end result.
I was afraid to try that method in fear of screwing up a part.
Is it just as easy as heating with a propane torch slowly to achieve the results?
It is quite easy - just sand it as smooth as possible, then just pass the flame over it a couple times, and you'll see the "frosted" surface turn to "glass". The only thing to be careful of (which takes little practice) is to not get it too hot or it will bubble. Go to any store (walmart, target, etc.) and get one of those cheap picture frames that is two clear acrylic blocks with mangets connectors, scuff up one side, then practice sanding and torching. You'll be amazed at how easy it is.