Loki season 2

teeny tiny nit: pretty sure 1982 is pretty late for there to be analog cash registers at Mickey D's.
(I know, it's a branch....)

I, also would like to have a 1982 McDonald's apple pie. They were still deep frying them then. I kept expecting Mobius to mention that.
teeny tiny nit: pretty sure 1982 is pretty late for there to be analog cash registers at Mickey D's.
(I know, it's a branch....)

I, also would like to have a 1982 McDonald's apple pie. They were still deep frying them then. I kept expecting Mobius to mention that.
Also, it's a little podunk town in the middle of nowhere. I could see them still being analogue.

On another note, though.... I legit needed a moment when that old Loki swagger came out during the initial rundown of Brad.
Flirty Reaction GIF by MOODMAN
teeny tiny nit: pretty sure 1982 is pretty late for there to be analog cash registers at Mickey D's.
(I know, it's a branch....)

nit-picks? when they appear in London the barely readable movie poster is for Herbie Rides Again, but in 1977 Herbie Goes To Monte Carlo was coming out. (Could have been a re-release in preparation for the sequel, however)
nit-picks? when they appear in London the barely readable movie poster is for Herbie Rides Again, but in 1977 Herbie Goes To Monte Carlo was coming out. (Could have been a re-release in preparation for the sequel, however)
It could be they chose that one because something in the story mirrors some aspect of the theme of this season.

I must've missed something. This whole Brad Wolf thing just seemed to come out of nowhere, at least for me.

Yeah i felt like I missed an episode or something...very strange choice. Also no mention that Loki isnt time slipping anymore, i know that got resolved at the very end last time, but a reminder would have helped.
Another great episode.
Pretty much a full hour too.
The production design on this show is outstanding and I'm loving having Natalie Holy back to do.the music. There have been some great cues and I can't wait for the music to come to YouTube and Spotify so I can listen to it again.
Dear me. I'm usually one for finding the positives in most things I watch, but... I don't know whether it was just that I was having a bad day, but I thought Jonathan Majors just gave the single worst performance I've ever seen on screen. Utterly misconceived, tonally inept, horribly cliched (that 'stutter'!) and quite appallingly acted. Like watching an amateur's first ever part. Dreadful on every level, and made even worse by being framed by somany high-quality performances around him. :rolleyes:
Dear me. I'm usually one for finding the positives in most things I watch, but... I don't know whether it was just that I was having a bad day, but I thought Jonathan Majors just gave the single worst performance I've ever seen on screen. Utterly misconceived, tonally inept, horribly cliched (that 'stutter'!) and quite appallingly acted. Like watching an amateur's first ever part. Dreadful on every level, and made even worse by being framed by somany high-quality performances around him. :rolleyes:
I thought that it as a good episode and JM did a decent job, but he definitely was the weak link in the episode. I can't say that I was all that impressed by him in S1 or in Antman. He just doesn't resonate with me for some reason. The same goes with the actor who played the High Evolutionary in Antman: Quantumania, I thought that he was too similar to Kang in both appearance and personality.
teeny tiny nit: pretty sure 1982 is pretty late for there to be analog cash registers at Mickey D's.
(I know, it's a branch....)

I, also would like to have a 1982 McDonald's apple pie. They were still deep frying them then. I kept expecting Mobius to mention that.
There 1980s cherry pies were the best. RIP cherry pie.
Dear me. I'm usually one for finding the positives in most things I watch, but... I don't know whether it was just that I was having a bad day, but I thought Jonathan Majors just gave the single worst performance I've ever seen on screen. Utterly misconceived, tonally inept, horribly cliched (that 'stutter'!) and quite appallingly acted. Like watching an amateur's first ever part. Dreadful on every level, and made even worse by being framed by somany high-quality performances around him. :rolleyes:

I thought that it as a good episode and JM did a decent job, but he definitely was the weak link in the episode. I can't say that I was all that impressed by him in S1 or in Antman. He just doesn't resonate with me for some reason. The same goes with the actor who played the High Evolutionary in Antman: Quantumania, I thought that he was too similar to Kang in both appearance and personality.
Yeah, I think Jonathan Majors acting is more over-acting. I started realizing this as I just rewatched season 1 of Loki (I decided to rewatch it after watching the first two episodes of season 2 because I couldn't remember a lot of what happened). Majors "chews the scenery" in Creed III as well, and while his acting worked alright in that, as an overly-intense man with a big chip on his shoulder, I feel his range is extremely limited to megalomaniacal characters. Granted, I've only seen him in Creed and the Marvel projects, so I don't know his other work. Maybe that's want his director wanted out of him, so that's what he gave them.

The issue could also be him not really being the "right" choice to play the type of character they made He Who Remains in his origin story. The character of Victor Timely is a rather meek, even though he has the confidence to be a literal con(fidence) man, running cons with his non-working inventions (though we find out the only reason they don't work is that he doesn't have the technology in that timeperiod to make them work). He's a scientist who's presumably lived a very sheltered life, which I can see as being the origins of He Who Remains, who lives a lone existence outside of time. But Majors seems the opposite of Timely. He seems more like his Creed character, like a guy that spends 5 hours in the gym every day and hangs out with his bros than a timid scientist.

That said, I got more acclimated to his performance as the episode went on. But I still wasn't sure what to think of the episode. Seemed like a bit of a miss for me. Using Miss Minutes as much as they did (and how they did) made it pretty goofy, though they set up something darker with the character. I don't know the comics enough to know if they're setting her up to be a specific character, but it seems headed there. I think it was also that there wasn't enough Loki, Sylvie, and Mobius in the episode for me (especially Sylvie). Focusing on Timely/HWR was probably necessary, but it made for a weaker episode.
Just a note on the look of season 2: While I like the heavy film grain, everything looks rather soft, like the resolution doesn't look like it's 4K HDR, but more like an older movie that was converted to blu-ray and only running at 1080p. I don't know if that's an intentional choice or if it's an issue with Disney+. I've taken issue recently with the video and audio quality of Ahsoka as well, but that was mainly a dimness and lack of contrast - it still looked sharp in terms of resolution. While I still have some issues with Loki looking similarly "flat" (though not as bad as Ahsoka), I assume the softness is a choice by Loki season 2 Production Designer Kasra Farahani rather than a technical problem with Disney±'s streaming. I'm wondering if anyone else has had the same issues.
For me, and only my opinion. Loki is the only thing keeping me hanging on with the MCU.
I feel like Marvel's losing focus on what fans want. While a Loki series would've never been sonething I wanted prior to Thor and The Avengers, they made good choices with the character and casting so that I wanted to see more. The projects now carry less and less interest for me. Like, I have very little interest in The Marvels, couldn't get through the first episode of Secret Invasion, didn't care for The Eternals and thought the last Ant-Man movie was a mess. I actually enjoyed the Ms. Marvel series for the most part, but Captain Marvel was a dud and I didn't find the Monica Rambeau/Photon character interesting in Wandavision, so a movie focused on all three isn't very appealing to me.
The issue could also be him not really being the "right" choice to play the type of character they made He Who Remains in his origin story. The character of Victor Timely is a rather meek, even though he has the confidence to be a literal con(fidence) man, running cons with his non-working inventions (though we find out the only reason they don't work is that he doesn't have the technology in that timeperiod to make them work). He's a scientist who's presumably lived a very sheltered life, which I can see as being the origins of He Who Remains, who lives a lone existence outside of time. But Majors seems the opposite of Timely. He seems more like his Creed character, like a guy that spends 5 hours in the gym every day and hangs out with his bros than a timid scientist.
It's entirely possible that he really isn't the right actor for the role and wasn't the first choice of the producers but was essentially forced on them by the higher ups. They likely went with Majors in part because they wanted a diverse cast and, probably more importantly, he's something of a somewhat well known actor and studio execs have been known to cast the entirely wrong actors for roles solely because of name recognition.
It's entirely possible that he really isn't the right actor for the role and wasn't the first choice of the producers but was essentially forced on them by the higher ups. They likely went with Majors in part because they wanted a diverse cast and, probably more importantly, he's something of a somewhat well known actor and studio execs have been known to cast the entirely wrong actors for roles solely because of name recognition.

His star was on the rise in a major way (no pun intended), and they wanted to snag him while they still could. Just bad luck for them this time.