Like to start a ANH Han Solo costume - - Need Help

I have a quick question...
Can I use Krylon or regular auto spray paint on resin? The droid caller kit I bought says to use Testors? Would it be a good idea to prime the parts that will be silver? I was going to use loctite to glue the parts together, is that a good choice?

Sorry for not posting any photos yet. I'll try to get some up this week. I've been busy trying to finish a Leia belt for my wife and my son's Luke costume... as well as my own.

I did manage to get my mother to sew the shirt. It looks great.
Re: Like to start a ANH Han Solo costume - - pics on post #82

Hi everyone, I had a chance to take photos of my costume. It's going to be a work in progress this year. I want to spend more time painting the blaster and droid caller.

The vest and pants are from cosplayying, the belt and holster are from costumebase and the shirt is sewn by my mother (I think she did a great job!!! but I'm a little biased:lol)

I hope everything will look okay for Monday.
This is my son's Luke costume that my mother worked on. I built the droid caller from junk... Pill bottles, an old spool for thread, a paperclip and odds and ends from my work bench. The light saber will be a cheap hasbro saber.

This costume is for a 3 year old, so it's in no way screen accurate.
Looks pretty good, especially considering you did it on a budget. I love the droid caller and what its made from - that is true costuming!
That gunbelt's actually pretty good! My old gunbelt at this point is pretty beat up, so I might want to upgrade at some point. good to know there's a viable "economy" option out there. And that droid caller looks terrific! Did you do the paint on that? If so, great job!
When I clicked "send payment" for the gun belt I started to cringe. When I actually received it I was relieved at how good it looked. I wouldn't say it'll last forever, but it'll do for a couple of Halloweens. If you need a fast cheap option I would pick this belt up.

The one thing I wish they did do was include two ANH buckles instead of the rectangle buckle. It doesn't really matter because the buckles are interchangeable/replaceable.

Thanks for the compliments. I enjoyed working/painting the droid caller. Hearing your kind words made it worth it.

I'm still finishing up my son's belt buckle.
I just wanted to thank everyone who posted in this thread. Everyone thought my costume looked great. It wouldn't have been as good without the advice I received.

Thanks again
i have a new complete costume as of this year it wasnt cheap! lol if you want to go this way costume base is good for the shirt and vest stay away from the pants! bad! corellian xports are great for the pants! accurate and no badly priced look for russian milatary boots on ebay the blaster i went all out 230 real scope real metal the holster wellll 450.00 wade egan i found him here i love it!!!!!!! accurate and if your a hugh fan the way to go! last the tools for the belt corellian xports. good luck! i was at ny comic con got great response!
I'm working on one of these too. The Mrs got me the shirt and pants from Indy Magnoli for Christmas. They're not here yet, but she wrapped a Han action figure for me. :)

Is there any difference in the ESB and ANH holsters other than the buckles? Thanks,
Is there any difference in the ESB and ANH holsters other than the buckles? Thanks,

Yes, but fairly minor and only would someone here and at the Rebel Legion probably notice. The ESB version has different belt tools, there are no grooves on the holster "mount" or belt (the grooves run the length of the pieces 1/8" from the edge), the metal disc is thinner, the leather is a bit more reddish than ANH, and of course the blaster itself is different, so if you are wet molding the holster to the gun, that might cause a fitment issue depending on how tight you make it.

That's all I can think of for now. I've been knee deep in this stuff as I wanted to know all I could when I started making my ANH holster for my Han costume. I'm almost done with the leather work, I just need to get a vest and pants, which I'll be ordering from Magnoli to get those as well.

Congrats on the awesome present; make sure to post some pics when you get them in!
would USMC dress blue trousers work as a base for the pants? Are they the right blue?

I'd have to say they would work, but you might want to go another route. The original costume pants were denim, and had a riding seam with pintucks in the front. The pintucks are easy, but the riding seam would require a bit of work. It might be easier to just make them from scratch, or modify one of the Chinese made options on eBay. Plus, the USMC trousers have pockets, right? Solo's pants didn't.

Here's a great higher resolution reference pic:

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