Like to start a ANH Han Solo costume - - Need Help

Ditto, Risu above. You are taking your chances with Kerezman (formerly captainamerica on ebay, now sf-quartermaster for some reason - probably to avoid something). I got lucky and got what I ordered, but it took FOREVER. Many people don't get what they order at all, especially if they order off his costumecostumecostume website. Fortunately for me, the background fabric matched what I was using pretty well, but it can be a problem, and you do have to sew well to get them on properly.

Take a look at the bloodstripes this seller has:

eBay My World - ggj4722

They are iron on with no background fabric. I have no experience with them, but they look very promising.


PS - No one has mentioned belt tools. Corellianexports sells them, but they're pretty easy to create yourself.
Does anyone have templates for the gun belt and holster? This part I know I can build on my own.

Also if anyone has dimensions for the droid caller and it's belt clip please let me know.

Thanks to everyone that is giving me advice.
I've never bought from cosplayying but I just checked out their stuff on ebay.

the vest has all the correct pockets, and the pants look good. these would pass in the rebel legion. I say, go for it. ;)

he doesn't seem to make the shirt(?) or at least, there's no shirt on ebay right now. so you'd still need to find a shirt.

--> magnoli has the best shirt I've seen; also, magnoli has good pics on their site which you could use as a reference to create your own. your mom could probably handle this.


thanks for the heads-up on Kerezman, aka: costumecostumecostume.

I've always got what I ordered, but yes I agree it DOES take forever.


I have used the iron-on stripes but I wasn't happy with the results. they are sort of dull/opaque iron-on paint. not embroidered. when I used them, they had a hard time adhereing to the pants. they started peeling after the first use.. and after the first wash they were toast. results seem to depend on the fabric of the pants.. they would probably stick well to a thick brushed cotton.. but they didn't stick well to the pants I used (which were poly/cotton rugby pants -- sort of like a thin docker twill).

for the money, they're worth a try. I didn't mention them because they're not embroidered.

--> the BEST bloodstripes are always hand-embroidered ;) but this takes FOREVER! LOL!
Just another warning about CE, I still get occasionaly email/PM pleas for help getting refunds from them on the Rebel Legion forums. So its not a problem that has stopped, unfortunately. Buyer beware and all that stuff. There's been good times and bad. Expect a long wait and if your items are bad you're going to be stuck with them.
Thanks for all the great info guys - I might have to save up a bit and go the Magnoli route, I'm a sucker for details...
Sorry, just a quick footnote to all the talk about pants - no one making ready-to-wear seems to get the overall cut of the pants right. They SHOULD be quite form-fitting - seems all the cosplay quality types are all too baggy. I guess thats what happens when you try to be all things to all people. They're almost cut like pajama pants.

I used a pair of stretch jeans and took the legs in like mad. That also helped them fit into the boots better. Mine are missing the detail of the riding seam in the butt, but otherwise I'm very pleased with them. I hope to custom make my own from scratch some day, basing the pattern off equestrian pants.

rickrickrick, what do you think about taking in the legs of cosplayying pants? I did notice in a detailed photo that they do have the riding seam in the butt. I'm not sure if they have the front pleat/seam, but I've found a tutorial at the Rebel Legion that shows how to add that detail.

I don't know... I think I'll give it a few days before I start the real decision of actually purchasing a costume off of ebay. :confused :confused :confused
Ditto Risu - again. Pretty easy to put that pleat in the front of the pants.

Yeah, cosplayying sort of does an approximate kind of variation on a somewhat riding seam-like thing on the back of the pants. It's odd - on the real thing (and Magnoli's nice replica here: Military Trousers by Magnoli Clothiers), the riding seam actually falls much lower than on cosplayying's version. The seam should come around the buttocks - cosplaying's seam is just below the waist. Hm.

But looking at their pictures again, the overall cut of the pants looks superior in just about every way to the costumebase ones - much less boxy, and the legs look more tapered, although it's hard to tell from pix of pants on a mannequin. And their bloodstripe is vastly superior. Weird that they offer no shirt!

If you're willing to put together your own costume, do the sewing and such, I can give you some tips. Back in the depths of time, my costume was part of an old DIY site called Obi-Wan's Jedi Academy. Basically it involves modifying a black BDU jacket, a pair of blue Dickies work pants, and then picking up a pair of Russian officer boots. None of it is "Screen Accurate" but it's at least "Screen Reminiscent."

For what it's worth, I last bought from Corellian Exports around....2005? And had a perfectly fine experience. Can't vouch for what it's like six years on, though. I bought a resin droid caller, some belt bits, and a shirt.

Anyway, for the version I did, you might go above the $200 mark, though, even with doing your own labor, so you may want to check out the cheaper options if you're really set on your budget.
Thanks guys.

I really would love to own Magnoli's work, but it's really not in my budget.

Jango Wes - - that's the costume I've been keeping my eye on. The entire costume looks good enough to me. It's way better than rubies and probably just as good as if I were to go out shopping for fabric, patterns and sewed the stuff myself (my mother would actually do the sewing).

I'm just a little hesitant to order from cosplayying. Okay lets just say I'm PARANOID! :) I've got a lot of "what ifs" floating in my head. I've never order anything from this company and no one seems to have had any good or bad experiences with them.

Anyone know if cosplayying is a reliable seller? Anyone have experience with them?
I wouldn't worry about ordering from cosplayying; just to be safe I would get it from their eBay store. They've been there for five years, and have almost 8,000 positive feedbacks. Plus, with the buyer protection through Paypal (which I have used twice - and got my money back) you're definitely safe.
Thanks Havok69
Are you saying you used buyer protection against cosplayying or someone else?

I would definitely go through ebay and use paypal for this purchase.
No, not cosplayying; against other vendors. I'm just mentioning that the buyer protection in general works. So no matter what you should be ok...
You can only get screwed on ebay if you're a seller. You have nothing to worry about buying from cosplayying.
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