Well I just got the molds today, the pommel, emmitter, strips, and the jedi pouch mold are all in excellent condition. As for the body molds they are not so good. So I sent him a PM on eBay about it.
This is the message I sent and what he sent me in response.
Dear kanamit1138,
Hello Kanamit, We have a very serious problem these molds are not what I expected them to be if there was damage to the inside of the molds you should have stated that in the description and I would have made a lot lower bid if I had seen the amount of damage these things have before hand. The other molds are fine but as for the main body molds, they are heavily damaged. Air pockets along the grip, a lot of the emmitter holder detail is missing or has a ton of air pockets. Really unhappy about this. I regret leaving positive feedback on the item, because the only reason I gave positive feedback is because you were patient with me while I was waiting on a payment to pay you. Now I have really detoriated molds, the only mold pieces I will even think of using is the jedi pouch, emitter and pommel. the 2 body molds are way past the point of repair. And right now I'm teetering on the edge of opening a case but I will give you 3 days for a response to allow you a chance to fix this matter.
And his response.
Dear cylonproject2000,
John, Those molds are original molds produced at the fox studios prop and model shop in Sydney Australia during episode one-three. Rinse the molds out with a soap and warm water solution, rubber band them our use mold straps to seal them and using smooth-cast and you will have to do some cleanup work but I was always able to get good parts for sabers
Now I don't know about you, but I smell BS. I should be able to cast the good parts with minimal cleanup, but as for the body molds I can get a photo of the inside if you guys want to see just how bad they are.