Life of Pi (Post-release)

It's not a "twist ending;" it's an alternate accounting of the shipwreck that Pi tells the investigators when they don't believe his story about the tiger and the floating island. In the film, we don't see any of the alternate account play out on screen. It's just the camera focused on the actor for one several-minute shot while he recounts the bare-bones outline.

It's a twist ending because at the end he admits he lied about the details, that it wasn't animals on the boat, it was a bunch of people who cannibalized each other murderously all along.
It's a twist ending because at the end he admits he lied about the details, that it wasn't animals on the boat, it was a bunch of people who cannibalized each other murderously all along.

ya, i put that in the spoiler area for the benefit of those that have yet to see it! :lol

Only one did the murdering... Pi was just very hungry! :sick :love
Life of Pi movie review

Hey everyone!

I am new here and hoping to find some friends and make some nice topics ofc! So as a schoolproject I had to make a Youtube channel about something that keeps me busy. In my case it is movies, tv series and videogames! For movies I usually make reviews and now I really wanted to make a review of one of my favorite novels Life of Pi!

Check it out!

Life of Pi movie review - IamZani - YouTube
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